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The Supreme Paragon

Supreme Paragon

  In a time of great peril, when the forces of darkness and chaos threatened to engulf the realms, the gods of good and light realized that they needed to unite their powers to stand a chance against the Old Gods of the Void. Each deity, recognizing the need for a collective effort, willingly set aside their individual identities and merged their divine essence into a singular entity known as the Supreme Paragon.   The Supreme Paragon is the revered and enigmatic deity who is believed to be the creator and ultimate source of The Eternal Light and its teachings. As the patron and progenitor of the religion, Supreme Paragon is regarded as the highest and most divine being, existing beyond mortal comprehension. Followers of The Eternal Light consider Supreme Paragon to be the embodiment of boundless wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment.  

Divine Role and Attributes:

  • Supreme Paragon is often depicted as an ethereal figure surrounded by radiant light, symbolizing their transcendent nature and connection to The Eternal Light itself.
  • As the creator of The Eternal Light and its paragons, Supreme Paragon is believed to be the source of all divine wisdom and divine authority in the religion.
  • Supreme Paragon is regarded as the ultimate paragon, exemplifying the highest virtues of The Eternal Light, and serving as the guiding force behind its principles and teachings.
  • The Paragons:

  • The Paragons are exceptional individuals chosen by Supreme Paragon to be their earthly representatives and exemplars of The Eternal Light's teachings.
  • These paragons are believed to be blessed with divine insights and the ability to channel the divine power of Supreme Paragon to perform acts of goodness, healing, and enlightenment.
  • Each paragon embodies a specific aspect of The Eternal Light's virtues and teachings, such as compassion, wisdom, courage, or harmony.
  • Supreme Paragon's Guidance:

  • Followers of The Eternal Light believe that Supreme Paragon communicates with them through divine revelations, visions, and insights, guiding them on their spiritual journey and illuminating their path in life.
  • It is believed that Supreme Paragon's guidance is accessible to all who seek it, regardless of race, background, or belief.
  • Worship and Devotion:

  • Worship of Supreme Paragon is an integral part of The Eternal Light's religious practices. Illuminates offer prayers and rituals to express their reverence and seek blessings from the divine creator.
  • Supreme Paragon's name is invoked in sacred ceremonies, dedications, and blessings, signifying their central role in the religion.
  • Transcending Mortal Understanding:

  • Supreme Paragon is considered beyond mortal comprehension, and their true nature is believed to be veiled in divine mystery.
  • Followers of The Eternal Light hold profound respect for the enigmatic nature of Supreme Paragon, acknowledging that their understanding is limited and that the deity's essence remains beyond the grasp of mortal minds.
  • Supreme Paragon serves as the divine beacon, guiding the Illuminates on their spiritual quest to embody the virtues of The Eternal Light. Their influence is felt throughout the religion, inspiring worshippers to embrace the radiance within and to be paragons of goodness, compassion, and enlightenment in the realms.
    Divine Classification
    Supreme Paragon