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The Eternal Light

The Eternal Light is a universal and all-encompassing religion that worships a divine force of light and goodness. It is a belief system that transcends cultural and racial boundaries, welcoming all who seek its teachings. The core tenet of this religion is the belief in an eternal and radiant force that embodies purity, compassion, and enlightenment.

Cosmological Views

Iconography associated with The Eternal Light often includes representations of suns, stars, and shining orbs, symbolizing the eternal and unyielding nature of the divine force.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Eternal Light is believed to be the source of all goodness and wisdom in the realms. It is seen as a guiding force that brings clarity and illumination to the lives of its followers.
  • The followers of The Eternal Light strive to embody virtues such as kindness, empathy, and selflessness. They seek to bring light into the lives of others through acts of charity, compassion, and understanding.
  • The religion emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge and understanding of the world. It encourages its followers to pursue education, wisdom, and enlightenment to better themselves and the world around them.
  • The concept of balance is central to The Eternal Light. It teaches that the realms are in a delicate equilibrium, and it is the duty of its followers to maintain this balance by respecting nature, preserving harmony, and promoting peace.
  • The Eternal Light rejects violence and aggression, advocating for peaceful resolutions and forgiveness. It teaches that conflict can be resolved through dialogue, empathy, and finding common ground.


The Eternal Light emphasizes inclusivity and unity, and its teachings promote respect and acceptance of all races, cultures, and beliefs. It encourages dialogue and understanding between followers of different faiths, seeking common ground and shared values to promote peace and cooperation.


  • Temples dedicated to The Eternal Light are known as "Luminous Sanctuaries." These temples are built to be open and welcoming, with large windows and skylights to allow sunlight to stream in, symbolizing the presence of the Eternal Light.
  • Luminous Sanctuaries are often found in prominent locations, such as hilltops, city centers, or near bodies of water, symbolizing the universal reach of the Eternal Light's influence.
  • These temples serve as centers of community gathering, learning, and worship. They also provide shelter and aid to those in need, reflecting the religion's commitment to compassion and care.

"Embrace the Radiance Within"

Founding Date
  • 9700 AAB
  • Type
    Religious, Organised Religion
    Subsidiary Organizations


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