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Session 36: R&R Report

General Summary


Chapter 1: Snozzberg

The party, deeply wounded and over encumbered, leaves Casriga keep for the time being. They take with them the many goods they've collected, as well as a new companion Almacia. The Wardens stop by Snozzberg and speak to Hunter Goblin who convinces them to purchease a deer pelt he aquired while hunting. Aamor-Anastasia requests an audiance with Snozz Rozz, which is granted. Over a cup of grog the Wardens discuss Snozz Rozz's future plans to construct a Goblin Trading post as well as inquire about the goblins knowledge regarding Nomidian society and the moon. Snozz Rozz proves to be lacking in knowledge of the topics as well as goblin-power, and requests the party aid him with getting more goblins in his village. The Warden's accept this quest for an ally. Snozz Rozz also gives one of his Goblin Concubines that was rendered infirtile after her last child-birth, citing that she has great intellegence. The Warden's accept her into their ranks, looking for a goblin who could serve as an cultural guide for the trading post. With that business concluded they set on back to the town.  

Chapter 2: Blighted Forest (RIP)

The forest is deeply mutated and twisted, and many strange new plants are begining to appear. Yibliet, the goblin cultural guide the party is training, informs them that she heard a rumor that Gnoll shamans are performing strange rituals in the woods, consuming human flesh of still alive victims in ritualistic ways. Just before exiting the forest Legacy spies a strange mutated bush. The branches and stem were made of what looked like human fingers, and the fruit that plant beared were strangely like eyeballs. One could've sworn that the plant regarded the parties presence. Intrigued by the plant Legacy drew forth a dagger and began to saw through the stem. The plant resisted and bled, even grapling Legacy in an attempt to save it's own life. Once the harvesting was finished Legacy studied the creature, learning of it's animialistic qualities, fiendish nature, and it's potion of climing applications.  

Chapter 3: Lord Baron Sigfried Feathertower of Rookvale Hailing from The Nest

The party encounters a noble along the road named Sigfried Feathertower. He requests the aid of the party in locating an individual known as the desert king, a man who slept with his wife. Aamor-Anastasia with the help of the party lies and convinces Lord Baron Feathertower that the man he was looking for was in Eastrin and is heading for The Republic of Amatrace. Pleased and convinced Lord Baron Feathertower rewards the party and escorts them back to Hollow Oak, even inviting them to join him and Lord Margrave Hallheart for dinner.   

Chapter 4: Downtime

The party arrives in Hollow Oak and deposits all of their goods within their home. Legacy encounters a strange Golden Lion familar in their room, and it proptly and gracefully leaves the house. Unfazed Legacy gets to work on crafting a potion and copying discovered spells into their spell book. Amor-Anastasia takes Yibliet and introduces her to key players in the town while also shopping for formal wear to the dinner. Cicero pays Carthasia to craft him some bullets for his weapon before going to the Tavern to do what all Wardens of The Black path do, drink their sorrows away. In the middle of his solitare game of darts Cicero learns that Iola is leaving, and was planned on doing so when the party was gone. Meanwhile Aamor Anastasia learns of the financial hardships of the Authicary and Liac, as well as the strangeness of Duufen. Liac tells her that Duufen has a strange, primal way of worshiping the 8 Orphans. He cuts his finger tips and draws symbols upon the walls and their alters when he prays, and he doesn't seem responsive to the various holy stories of the faith. Liac also cautions Amor Anastasia against teaching him how to fight so soon after his parents death. While there Liac agrees to teach Yibliet the basics of the 8 orphans while she is in Hollow Oak. After shoping for clothes Amor Anastasia pays Rhody a visit, and speaks on her teaching Yibliet as well. Rhody agrees, and the 3 begin a introspective disscussion of alignment, perception, magic, psionics, and redemption.

Rewards Granted


The group recieved 250 gold pieces from Lord Sigfried, 200 EXP each for the encounter with Lord Sigfried.  


Anastasia: 150 expierence for talking to Rhody, 25 EXP for helping study the Eye Stalk, 1 fine deer pelt.    Legacy: 150 Expierence for studying the Eye Stalk, 3 Alchemist Crafting Expierence for crafting the Potion of Climbing, 1 Enhanced Potion of Climbing.   Cicero: 100 expierence for selling the longbows to Gregor, 50 expierence for talking to Iola.

Character(s) interacted with

New Characters: Yibliet the now ex-concubine of Snozz Rozz, Lord Baron Sigfried Feathertower a noble on the hunt for the man who dishonored his wife, Almacia Mo'roe Muuhein Macia'Zhou the drowish adventurer working with the other adventurers in Casriga.    Old Characters: Snozz Ross, Hunter Goblin, Lumberjack Guy, Rhody, Wayland, Iola, Salem, Grovler, Gregor, Carthasia, Liac, The Twins, Duufen
Iskudar Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Cicero Liao
Chaotic Good Drow (?)
Fighter 7
64 / 64 HP
Report Date
31 Dec 2023
Primary Location

Cover image: by Palace Nightmare


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