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Harmonic golden age philosophy

Harmonic golden age philosophy is the collection of philosophy and ideas originating from and associated with the Great Harmony during the Harmonic Golden Age. A major concept of this philosophy was the concept of a Philosopher King and the questioning and re-ordering of the non-linear Long Lake Caste System into a linear system.


Harmonic golden age philosophy originated a couple of decades into the 44th century HE, after the expansion of the Great Harmony along the Great River. This period, the beginning the Harmonic Golden Age, saw an unprecedented amount of wealth and prosperity across the Harmony, which allowed the development of an educated upper class, mainly consisting of the Trader caste and the Warrior-Priest caste.   In 4355 HE, the first "university" was established in Highrock, in the Clan of the Long Lake, an establishment where educated birds came to listen to orators and philosophers muse about society, the universe, and the state of the world.   These universities started to pop up across both the Great River colonies and the Great Harmony homeland during the end of the 44th century and the 45th. In these universities, new philosophies and ideas emerged, notably ideas going against the non-linear caste system and the ruling caste-estate assembly. While this was no always absolute, each university specialized in different subjects, creating different localized schools of thought. Some universities focused on metaphysical frameworks, while others wrote political theory, and others still studied early mathematics or physics.

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Articles under Harmonic golden age philosophy

Cover image: by DetectiveAmandaCC


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