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Azra Nadeh (AZZ-Rer Na-DAY)

Senior Sergeant Azra Nazin Nadeh

Dutiful Law Enforcer

If there was an image that summed up dedication to duty, that image would be of Azra Nadeh

Hailing originally from Qadira, Azra is a former slave. How she earned her freedom is a story she has yet to share with the people of Otari, but she ended up in the fishing town in 4713 at the age of 17.

Struggling to find work, she threw herself into any opportunity that she encountered earning a reputation as a hard worker, which, in turn, brought her to the attention of Lardus Longsaddle, captain of the Otari Guard. He recruited her, helped to hone her swordplay and gave her a job, a career, but more importantly a sense of purpose. Her exemplary work ethic saw her rise through the ranks within the guard, from constable to sergeant and eventually to senior sergeant,

Azra genuinely loves the town of Otari and her job, seeing all members of the force as people under her care, people she will champion and protect fiercely. She has little life outside the force though, performing morning roll call even on her days off. Her hope is that the newly formed Wheel Watch will see a shake up within the town's defence force, with those less dedicated no longer able to use social connections to maintain their positions.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Azra is fit, athletic, supple and possessed with a wiry strength. Standing at 5'6" and of average build her apparent physique wouldn't indicate these things but anyone who has seen her move, or fight, or talk, would think her taller, more athletic or more physically impressive than she actually is.

Facial Features

Azra's skin is a rich bistre (dark brown) and her face displays a gamut of emotions clearly. She is not difficult to read at all. Her smile can inspire, comfort or scare the living heck, but is symetrical and striking, handsome even.

Identifying Characteristics

Intricate designs painted on coloured nails. Azra has these changed weekly, paying a handsome sum for the quality work.

Physical quirks

Has a tendency to drum her fingers when impatient, or angry

Apparel & Accessories

Azra wears clothes typical of those from the deserts of Casmaron. Flowing, free moving and unrestrictive. She tends to wear the colours of the Otari Guard. These robes are worn over light leather armour when on duty.

Mental characteristics


The Oatri Guard and now the Wheel Watch are her life. She was recruited by Lardus Longsaddle and despite being in disagreement with some of views, both likes and respects him for the opportunity he presented her to change her life and the training he provided her to better herself.
She is now the backbone of the new organisation and is a near ever present within Wheel Watch Hall.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Despite her young age Azra has had a rapid rise through the ranks to the point where it's dead man's shoes for her to go any further.

Personality Characteristics


Lives, works, breathes the Otari Guard or as it is now, the Wheel Watch. She still performs roll call on her days off and frequently checks in when off duty to see if anyone needs help or support. Her hope is that things improve within the force with the recent changes.
Current Status
Whipping Wheel Watch into shape
Current Location
Date of Birth
8th Calistril 4696AR
Year of Birth
4698 AR 25 Years old
Katheer, Qadira
Current Residence
Short, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bistre (Dark Brown)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Be careful out there"
"Listen up Boots!"
"There aint a God in Golarion that........"
Aligned Organization

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Character Portrait image: Sgt Azrah Nadeh by [br]Graham Beadle using Heroforge


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