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One of the largest cities in the whole of the isle this prosperous and exiting town typically has all a shopper could want. Currently under the hands of the Last Stand Bastion however it is a dangerous place to visit   Open War: The city is a stronghold for the Bastion and they will hold it at all costs. Axia Coolbreeze will not support the Bastion although her troops will work to protect those inside if they are harmed.


Human (36%) / Gnomish (24%) / Elven (9%) / Dwarven (8%) / Other (33%)


Monarchy - there is a Royal line of succession within the City. The Monarch rules with total power although they commonly have a council elected that guides them in making decisions for the betterment of the city


Large stone walls around the city, Watchtowers and Guardsman patrol them regularly they have new siege equipment to speak of but a large wooden and stone gate that protects those that come


  • There is a medium fishing industry set up around the western side of the city where the river runs
  • Acres of farmland around the city enabling for food
  • Lumber mills have been set up throughout the outside of the city
  • A market Square as well as a variety of shops in April for purchase of almost any item a person could be seeking (Non-Magical)

Guilds and Factions

  • The Bastion - The primary adventuring Guild of the area, they also hold strong political sway within the city
  • The Nobles - six noble houses have strong political influence within the area and they all control one of the six regions


  • The town was initially started by native to the isle. They were originally a small tribe that had a sudden and unexplained explosion of wealth and good luck. Everywhere they dug they found more metal, every forest they walked into was filled with bountiful life. They began to thrive and build a town as more and more tribes became assimilated into them.
  • Unbeknownst to anyone the head of the tribe at the time, Axia the First had made a deal with devils, Pledging both her soul and the soul of the entire royal bloodline to the fiends in exchange for success. The benefits of the deal have long since run out in the town no longer reaps in the rewards it use to, yet as the deal holds every king or queen of the city has Their soul bound for hell.
  • As the city grew so did their numbers more and more local tribes joined the city lending the aid of their expertise building it up into the great settlement it is today. However its members were cautious and afraid, they never strayed beyond 2 1/2 weeks of the city meaning they never discovered any of the other large civilisations that surround them. This great fear was created by the original Queen of the city who, fearful that other great sages may recognise her witchcraft spread rumour of death and destruction.
  • To this day the city wall notice fearful of the outside world is still rarely strays far from it, using other groups they can hire to do those jobs for them. This is where the Bastion come in.
  • Recognising a wealthy town that relies heavily on others to do their dirty work Tarozhind set up The Citadel close to the city and pushed heavily to entrench the Bastion within its ranks. The two groups have become so codependent that it is near impossible to separate wear ones influence ends, and the others begins.
  • The guild recently came by in disguise with Silvie Tidor. They explored the area and helped in many ways, slowing and stopping a race riot, helping the owner of Blackwing Mail, helping the potion seller and more! The guild has a mediocre to good reputation within the town


Sit in open grassy plains the city is built the top one of the small hills that’s around the area while the hill is not steep it does allow them to see any approaching figures from almost any direction.
The city also has a small river that runs around the western side as well as several small forestry areas dotted around the outer wall.
Owning Organization
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