Kingdom of Tapotlan

The Kingdom of Tapotlan is a stratocracy, headed by a divinely appointed monarch. The ultimate leader is the Kalomte  who is a semi-mythic, semi-divine individual. The ruler that most citizens see is the K'uhul Ajaw  Currently that position is held by the angel Elkara. Being celestials the position does not change hands frequently and when it does they select their successor. Tapotlan does have a hereditary nobility, but they focus primarily on the more social and civic administration. The real ruling organization is the Eru Legion , or the Winged Legion, a military force that can be utilized across Istia.



Parts of Tapotlan have a tropical rainforest climate, with high temperatures and rainfull year round. These areas are generally more wet during winter. Other areas have a tropical savannah climate, with warm, wet winters and hot, dry summers.


Tapotlan is divided into seven Hurin, or provinces, administered by the nobility, the Ajaw, and the ministers they appoint. The ministers hold the titles of Sajal, Batab, or Kulel depending on their position. The Hurin are named after their capital city.

Tlaxcal Hurin
Axochila Hurin
Paikaria Hurin
Ateloco Hurin
Caspacho Hurin
Tepectlan Hurin
Huanta Hurin


Tapotlan has an early mesoamerican feel to its culture and aesthetics.

Demography and Population

Some of the most common races encountered in Tapotlan are aarakocra, owlin, aasimar, and fire genasi. A number of the nobility and leadership are angels, although they aren't necessarily common in the general population.

Foreign Relations

Because the Eru Legion can be hired out (at the moral discretion of the K'uhul Ajaw and Kalomte) in exchange for trade deals, diplomatic favors, etc. most nations maintain outwardly friendly international relations.

Trade & Transport

As a result of their varied climate Tapotlan has an active agricultural industry and doesn't import much. However, they often send young, aspiring members of the Arcane Aerie  in the Eru Legion  to train at the Eldren university in Tvethei .

Geopolitical, Stratocracy
Alternative Names
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Official State Religion

Cover image: by WotC
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