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Ashardian Empire

One thousand years ago, the world was nothing but scars and ashes. It was from those ashes that the Ashardian Empire rose to conquer most of Eastern Argyros, creating a dynasty that would last for centuries.


The highest position of power in the empire is that of "Emperor", a position elected upon the previous Emperor's death from a selected group of councilors and Senators. The Emperor has an appointed council, usually made up of Noble Families and Senators. These officials have no real legislative power, but advise the Emperor on matters of their own expertise and are occasionally given control of certain industries or functions. Most legislation is created by the Imperial Forum, made up of Senators from the Eight Provinces of the Empire.


The Ashardian Culture is vast and varied, but can be divided into 4 distinct "groups": Heartlanders, Dremerians, Coastal, and Western. The Heartlanders are the people of Corinas and Evermarsh. They believe primarily in Imperilism, and practice ancestor worship. Dremerians are practicers of the Old Faith, being descended from the Ancient Dremerians. They have strong connections to nature and their native wilderness. The Coastal people of Chrysos and Narat are vast mercantilists, and their people value wealth heavily. They believe strongly in family bonds, with entire cities and industries run by family groups. The western provinces of L'turon and Ur are descended from the original steppe peoples who conquered the Ashardian Empire in the first place. The final province, Fjollmere, stands on its own, as it was conquered from Dwarven City-States centuries ago, and elements of that culture still linger in the architecture and attitudes of the people.

Public Agenda

Once expansionist, the Ashardian Empire is now focused on homeostasis. Having lived for almost a century in relative peace, their goal is now to react to the world, maintaining positive diplomatic relationships with foreign nations and protecting the interests of its citizens.


Amber, Silver, and Other metals are mined across the Empire.



Known as the "Crowned Lands", Corinas is Ashardia's heartland. The Eastern seaboard is dominated by vast plains and gentle hills, most of which has been converted into farmland to feed the massive city of Dragonwind. Farther West the fields turn into dense forests, known as the Ward. The Ward once protected Corinas from invasion, until the Wardlings were assimilated by the Ancient Ashardians. Corinas has grown exponentially since Dragonwind was made capital of the Empire in the year 622 AE.  


From the tail end of the Ward going Eastward is the swamp-filled province of Evermarsh. The capital hold of this province is Godsmouth, located at the mouth of *the river*. Historically, the province is very closely related to Corinas, as the Eastern coasts of both lands share a similar culture. To the West, past the bogs, is the tail end of the Ward, and beyond that are the rolling fields of Lower Dremeria.  


Known as the "Frontier Province", Dremeria is an endless, ancient land that stretches across the coast of the Rhunic Sea. In centuries past, it was the home of the Druidic Peoples, a coalition of nature-worshipping tribespeople that developed into an ancient superpower after being occupied by the Nurzites. Remnants of the Ancient Dremerians can still be seen today, in the form of vasts ruins seemingly grown out of stone and wood. As recently has a few hundred years ago, Dremeria was assimilated by Ashardia, becoming the newest province of the growing Empire. The Hold of Dremeria is Aarad-Tur   


The "Golden Fields" of Chrysos make up the main breadbasket of the Ashardian Empire. One of the earliest conquered provinces, it is predominantly controlled by the six Planter Families, massive plantation-owning households that farm the majority of the land. The people of Chrysos and Narat make up the "Southern Empire", and have a unique cultural profile including veneration of the skies and an emphasis on sailing. The hold of Chrysos is Sertes, a city that bridges the Great Salt River.   


The "Great Island" of Narat sits just off of Ashardia's Southern Coast. Known as the "Vineyard of the Empire", Narat enjoys a Mediterranean climate and rocky locale. The Northern end of the island is notably rockier, while the island's southern end is dominated by a strange, magical plant growth that encompasses much of the land. The native culture of the island is quite unique, primarily stemming from the ancient societies that left the island dotted with ruins. The Hold of the island is Karse, a city that sits in the Inner Bay. The road to Karse traverses two massive bridges, each of which took well over a century to build. They are considered some of the greatest engineering wonders of the Empire.  


The rolling hills and forests of L'turon serve as the homeland to Ashardia's other major race: the Gnomes. L'turon is one of the oldest settled lands in all of Argyros, being colonized by Gnomes almost immediately after the Emergence. The Gnomish kingdom lasted for a few centuries before ultimately bending the knee to Ashardia II. Much of the landscape is rocky and mountainous, filled with gorgeous green and golden trees. the province also owns a large island off of the southern coast, with its own splinter culture. The Hold is Destia, the ancient keep of the Gnomish Royalty.  


Fjollmere was once a land owned by a great Dwarven Kingdom that dominated all of the Bellowing Mountains. Slowly, over many generations, there holdings were corroded by the military conquest of Ashardia, until much of their southern land was conquered. This conquered Dwarven province became the Empire's largest mine. The capital Hold is Lumenhall, which maintains a reputation as the "Holiest City in the Empire".  


True to its name, Ur was the "First Land", the original holdings of the fledgling Empire. It is the place where three of the four Ashardian Emperors were born, and still holds on to their legend and name very closely. Much of the land is fertile steppe, turning into arid lands the farther West one goes. The entire province has close ties to its neighboring nations, such as the swampland of Threst and the City-State of the Sea. The Hold of the province is Nor Khatan, the original capital of Ashardia before being moved to Dragonwind around 688 AE.
Geopolitical, Empire
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Economic System
Market economy
The Ashardian Set, Imperial Gold
Legislative Body
Laws are drafted and voted on by the Imperial Forum, a representative body made up of "Senators" from other provinces. Usually Senators are elected from cities; each province is allowed to have their own appointment rules, so long as the rest of the Forum agrees to it.
Executive Body
The Emperor controls the Military, as well as most industry. He uses Imperial might to enforce the laws of the Forum. He also acts as the diplomatic head of the Empire, representing Ashardia on a world scale.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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