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Iveomos (i-V-Omos)

Iveomos is a vast world dominated by a singular ocean known as the Primeval Sea which expands Southward before being stopped by the frost (a massive sheet of ice that extends far beyond the distance any explorers have as of yet reached) and Northward as it fades into the Astral Sea. The transition from ocean to Astral Sea is smooth and without turmoil as the wind turns to phlogiston.   Within this great ocean are numerous continents and islands. These continents are (in no particular order).  


  Forlond, the ancestral home of all Tel-Quessir its landmass is blessed with an exceptional connection to the flow of magic so much so as to bless those born there with a weak innate casting ability. The overwhelming magical nature of the continent occasionally rears itself as powerful wild magic storms cursing and blessing those unfortunate enough to be far from cover.  


  Odela, is the largest of the continents of Iveomos as well as the richest both in fertile ground, water, and mineral ores (both mundane and magical). Many of the world's peoples can claim Odela as their homeland, the Humans originating in the bountiful fields of Corinth. The first Dwarves mining themselves out of the strength of the Blackstone mountains. The Dragonborn whose first breath of flame came from deep under the Bedlam mountains.  


  Strauga, the newest of the discovered lands Strauga's most notable feature is the gulf it creates, whose waters possess deep magic both great and evil. However its mountains and resources are yet unexploited, rivers of gold and adamantine are available for the taking for whomever can claim its treasure.  


  Aeris, with no native population Aeris remains nearly entirely devoid of intelligent mortal life, however, its mountains house some of the greatest Dragon clans of Iveomos and which clans may be responsible for the lack of mortal inhabitants.  


  Caltmire, the freezing bog of its southern border is captive to a plethora of ancient battle sites with souls innumerable trapped in its dark recesses, the northern border a freezing taiga whose sturdy, old trees, hold the strength and will indicate of their age.  

The Frost

  Finally, the frost, while still a matter of contention in academic circles the exact depth and distance at which the frost extends is unknown to all who live in this realm, what is known however is that an ancient empire whose technology and magic far surpass the measure of modern societies died in that ice when they collapsed they seemingly took magic itself with them causing the entire continent to be a dead magic zone and likely the cause of the North-South flow of magic that currently marks the arcane studies of iveomos.      
A complete map of the landmasses of Iveomos as of 1296IH
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm, The World, The Earth
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