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Forlond is the Territory in the North West quarter of Iveomos. The continent is rife with mountains, forests, and plains. Close to the astral sea, the continent is swept with magic and power. The Feywild has a strong connection to this territory, especially in the Northern sections. 
  The ancestral home of the High, Sun, Valley. and Avariel elves they still call this continent thier home. It has since become the national territory of the Eltree Empire when it was formed here at its creation.


The Northern and Eastern plains of the continent are cold but otherwise safe to travel, rivers and springs dart through its lands and provide fresh and clear water. The Southern portion of the continent has a deep valley which rises into a massive mountain range blocking the southern shore from access, atop this mountain many of the Imperial Scholars have build their towers to get more in contact with the stars and through them the Seldarine.

Localized Phenomena

Occasionally the winds of the Astral Sea will sweep heavily over the continent and with them, they bring unnaturally unstable weather, not dangerous just simply unusual. During these Astral Storms spellcasting becomes infused with increased power and danger. Rifts into the Feywild are also more likely to open during these events so travel is not usually reccommended.


The climate is generally stable outside of the Astral Storms. The continent enjoys long warm days and short winters.

Natural Resources

The primary resource of note within Forlond is the abundance of magical energy that flows through the weave within its borders.
Alternative Name(s)
The Ancestral Home of the Elves, The Sun Kingdom, The Eltree Kingdom, The Shimmering Land
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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