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The Silvanesti Culture

  The Silvanesti embody the upper echelon of the Imperial hierarchy. The group is not composed of a distinct race beyond the requirement of being graceful (Pure-Blooded Elf), they are comprised of several houses which control the power of the Empire aside from the Empress, they are made up of the upper nobility, royalty, and exceptionally wealthy. They possess a unique role in maintaining the image and divine blessing of the Empire projecting power, grace, and the enduring "Ancient Elvish Traditions" such as bladesinging, fine craftsmanship, archery, and commune with all things natural.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Sondya Daughter of House Pholonti   Neraena Daughter of House Corellian   Ciren Anaediath Daughter of House Tlanbourn

Masculine names

Lanlian Son of House Shraiee   Fanar Son of House Danicen   Lannar Son of House Laritlyn

Unisex names

Muroniril Child of House Tlanbourn   Athor Child of House Larethian   Ardaith Child of House Danicen

Family names

House Larethian   House Corellian   House Danicen   House Pholonti   House Laritlyn   House Shraiee   House Tlanbourn


Major language groups and dialects

The Silvanesti use a more longwinded and poetic form of Elvish in daily speech, it is understandable to all who already know Elvish however it is difficulty to emulate without training.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Silvanesti draw from a exceptionally damaged view of "Ancient Elvish Ideals" having lost the meaning behind nearly all of their rituals instead filling the gaps with extravagance leaving entirely performative displays of wealth.

Shared customary codes and values

The Silvanesti value the traditional image of the "Elf" above all. Traits such as wisdom, intelligence, magical adeptness, and performative skills.

Common Etiquette rules

Silvanesti Nobles use a highly elaborate system of manners, gestures, and "graceful conduct" to indicate ideas and emotions. It is considered impolite to exhibit extreme emotion in the presence of outsiders or when in large groups (generally over 5).

Common Dress code

The Silvanesti follow a fairly traditional Elven dress code with the single caveat being that upmost perfection is expected anytime a Silvanesti appears in public regardless of setting. During a casual walk, a Silvanesti may wear casual clothing however it must be without tarnish or damage at all times. It is considered exceptionally taboo to voluntarily wear damaged or soiled clothing.

Art & Architecture

Silvanesti architecture is marked with large flowing curves carved into white marble. Golden inlays are common as are emerald, or jade tiles. The entirety of Ave Allanar  is constructed in this style.

Foods & Cuisine

Elaborate dinners, banquets, and luncheons mark the diet of a Silvanesti. While their are no mandates nor banned foods an emphasis is placed on traditional elven meals marked with extremely diverse pairings.

Historical figures


Beauty Ideals

Beauty standards among Silvanesti are the same regardless of gender. Slender, athletic bodies are most admired, and as elves don't typically have body hair, it is a trait that's seen as highly unattractive.

Gender Ideals

Gender equality is upheld, and individuals are valued for their contributions irrespective of gender.

Courtship Ideals

Silvanesti courtship is rather interrogative when compared to other races and cultures. It is expected that nearly everything that can be known should be known before any formal bindings or marriages are to take place. For older individuals or those with complicated histories, early courtship can take decades to centuries, for younger individuals and those with simple histories may be able to marry comparatively quickly in comparison (between 8-12 years).

Relationship Ideals

Being a small and highly noble group Silvanesti relationships are very often made for the acquisition of power, knowledge, skill, or wealth this applies to both romantic and platonic relationships. The long histories of the ancient and few numbered houses make every relationship vital to the continued success of these ancient institutions.

Major organizations

The Imperial High Council    The Imperial Nobility   The Imperial Gentry
Related Locations

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