{8,4} Vormir Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{8,4} Vormir


Located on the western coast of the Bay of Dragons, Vormir is largely unexplored outside of the castle that is the dominant feature. A view from one of the castle towns reveals that there is a small town west of the castle located in the woods that has not been visted. Access to the bay is limited due to the high cliffs that dominate the area.

Lore Summary:

Explored by Panther went to make contact with the inhabitants of Castle Vormir only to find it abandoned except for a few contrusts and a lot of traps. Needing to get back to Jaytown to meet with Gurrah, Panther took notes of the teleportation circle that he found. Kappa Gamma Beta sponsored a series of of adventurers to clear the castle of traps and find what they could. Over the course of many weeks the castle was cleared of traps and contact made with its remaining residents including and Ameythst Dragon that resides in one of the towers, a not very intelligent sphinx constuct and others. The castle appears to have been abandoned at least a hundred years ago altough little was discovered about the fate of Dr. Ioriel Metalsmith. The village of Deerfield lives in isolation about a half day journey from the castle. The village is inhabited by some of Metalsmiths experiments and display werewolf like properties that cannot be cured by normal means of curing lycanthrope. The village warns off potential victims and is watched over by a large sentinel statue a failed revolt againist the doctor.

Kappa Gamma Beta offers free teleportation from Jaytown for adventurers.

Story Hooks:

  • The Lost City: Aban claims to watch over a city in the Bay of Dragons. Nothing else is known of the this city (Consult Paul)
  • The Cellar: Blocked off from the surface by a wall of force, there is at least one remaining sublevel of the castle(Consult Paul)
  • Deerfield: What could possibly go wrong with a village of werecreatures and/or a 60 ft tall construct(Consult Paul)
Environment: Forest, Hills Landmarks: Castle Vormir
Included Locations
Status: Explored
Difficulty: Challenging
Explored by:Panther, Kappa Gamma Beta


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