Meerandre Leshandras

Plotter - Long Term
Wine Lord
His property has been infringed upon twice by the PCs for reasons he does not understand. He is a device to keep them on the run.
Meerandre wishes to save the reputation of his once great winery.
Additional Goal(s)
Meerandre wishes that he was a world renound musician but he is rather more famous for being a wealthy wine lord. He wished for one over the other and is regretting his choice. If the limelight will offer him relief he will have it.
5 - Highly trained genius
4 - Likeable
1 - Zero effort

Meerandre plays table surfaces as if playing a keyboard. He also has a tendency when nervous to sing and shatter glass. He has a sing song style of conversation.
A pair of musical bones he carries in his pocket. A tuning fork. Locket containing the picture of his grandfather and a key to his dead children's room.
Meerandre craves to be recognized by the great musicians.
Meerandre fears that his empire will either dwindle by his reputation being spoiled or that his entire family will be murdered. Now that within two months he has lost Four of his six children.

Facial Characteristcs

Pointed. Long hair

Speech Patterns

Sing songs and high

Body type

Lithe and slender


Meerandre plays the room around him as a nervous habit. Tapping out rhythms on glasses and the like.


Meerandre has lost passion of late. To touch him is to feel coldness.

Emotional State



Meerandre will work his frustrations out upon an organ. If one is not available he will play upon a table.


Meerandre grew up without a care in the world till one night while walking in the vineyards he saw his father sacrificing a field hand in ritual context.   Meerandre has not had the stomach to do this but has always feared it might be necessary.   Everska once held a bardic competition which Meerandre won. On talking with the Runner up Meerandre got the impression he felt his competitor had not been given a fair shot. That he had won the trophy not by his own merits but by his name.

The Leshandras winery has long been in decline and Meerandre has been borrowing money from illicit sources notably Paulo Garden the dock warden of Portsmouth.   Recently two mnths ago his youngest children were murdered. He suspects that this was done through agents of Gardan as a way to make him pay his debts which he has been stubborn about doing wanting to keep up his appearances in society.   Again the graves were desecrated. Security was enhanced but his estate has twice been invaded. The first time the invaders murdered his daughter Teran while she was acting in defense of their home. The second time the crew set fire to his Vineyards and garden and killed his eldest son Ciaran.
Meerandre Leshandras was born to a wine Dynasty. He has taken his birthright for granted. True he does have a keen business eye but also he has a taste for excess. His true dream was to be a musician but he took up the family business. His solution is to hold lavish parties where he and his wife are musical stars. He truly is a brilliant musician but being a wine merchant and shipping magnate always has gotten in the way. Meerandre is ultimately unable to admit that he is a bad business man having inherited a dynasty and squandered it.   Meerandre certainly could pay his debts but it would bring to light his mismanagement of funds. He is in short living in a dream world by which he refuses to be confronted or confront himself. One possible remedy would be to decrease the price of Leshandras Wine but this has not been done for centuries and pride will not allow him to do so.   Meerandre craves attention and thinks nothing of dropping money on the latest fashions. He fiercely overprotective of his family that has recently been damaged. his business failings have made his alliance with house Venare a powerful shipping magnate and distributor strained. The continuation of House Leshandras is overmuch tied with the impression they leave upon Venare.


Meerandre Leshandras

Husband (Important)

Towards EAnnara Leshandras



EAnnara Leshandras

Wife (Vital)

Towards Meerandre Leshandras



Nicknames & Petnames


Current Location
Ruled Locations