Adena Settlement in Jethiea | World Anvil


Legend would have you believe that the three major races of the region came together collectively to rise above the seated hatred inherited down from their gods. And, stood to deify gods and the odds alike to create a future where all races were equal.

They would share the magic of the land willingly for the betterment of all cultures. The quintessential “City on High Hill”, the “Lighthouse of Enlightenment” for all to witness and strive for in their own communities. A city ran by a council of leaders, with each race living in the city having a seat at the table, and voice for their kind.


No one really knows, and no kingdom will admit what lead up to the “Battle of Lights” and finally to the demise of Adena. For months, the constant siege and barrage of magical spells and weapons devastated neighborhoods, laying waste the once glorious city for inches of change on battle maps. Until the fateful day, just after sunset during the times of the purple dusk, Adena ceased to exist. A magical force unseen by any kind rocked out from the core of Adena’s city center, quickly consuming the city, its streets, its people, along with it the armies of all kingdoms, and the land that surrounded it. The light was so bright that it appeared like high noon hundreds of miles away and people believed that the sun had fallen to land. Next, was the thunder wave of force devastating forests for miles laying flat trees of incredible size and ages. Some say in the far away human city of Ostenhut, known for its palace of glass windows shook from the vibrations of the thunder wave.


The city was the built from three major cities each of a different race, human, dwarf, and elf owing their existence to three rivers and the land between their confluence; the Breitlang, Vizgyors, and Olear. The two rivers, of the Vizgyors (Greater and Lower) flowed down from dwarven territory, and the Olear descending from the northeast through the elf kingdom met and became the Breitlang River flowing south to the sea through the human’s land.

2249 AF

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