Saman Vatten Rise Geographic Location in Jethiea | World Anvil

Saman Vatten Rise


This region was created by three rivers and the land between their confluence; the Breitlang, Vizgyors, and Olear. The two rivers, of the Vizgyors (Greater and Lower) flowing down from dwarven territory, and the Olear descending from the northeast through the elf kingdom met and became the Breitlang River flowing south to the sea through the human’s land of Helleflam.


Once vibrant and lush northern lands, now its a ruin of dead woods and perverse sickly growth. 

Localized Phenomena

The deeper one travels the following effects are attributed to the region:
  • All of the land feels like its absorbs magic
  • Detect magic illuminates a complete void of any magic of any kinda after a spell is disseminated
  • All forms of magic seem to be ripped from magic users at the time of spell casting
  • Necromancy magic appears to be amplified

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