Edel Organization in Jethiea | World Anvil


The southwestern most providence in the Empire, Edel is a desert land formerly a nation before coming under the control of the Empire. Demtodna is the capital and largest city in all of Vandahl. Edel is ruled by Pasha (House) Budahas.

Cities: Ashbourne - A small village at the borders of Edel and Adolflam providence and the location that brought together an adventuring party. Points of Interest:

Covid Keep (formerly Kruhn's Keep) - the keep that is owned by an adventuring party. Long lost to time it was recently found and is in the process of restoration.


Additional Fibula Brooches for the Torsaldot from Edel Providence:

City of Demtodna


  • Demtodna - Caravans Ward
    (Port/Outer) This ward is technically considered both a Port Ward and Outer Ward due to its abutting the shore east of Hook Ward and its location on the eastern outskirts of the city. It contains the majority of the carters, drovers, stables, and caravan services of Demtodna.
Geopolitical, Province
Head of State
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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