Elemental Plane of Air

The Elemental Plane of Air is an empty plane, consisting of sky above and sky below with the occasional chunks of land float aimlessly throughout the expanse. Clouds billow up in bank after bank, swelling into grand thunderheads and dissipating into wisps like cotton candy. The wind pulls and tugs around the traveler, and rainbows glimmer in the distance

The Elemental plane of Air is the most comfortable and survivable of the Inner Planes, and it is the home of all manner of airborne creatures. Indeed, flying creatures find themselves at a great advantage on this plane. While travelers without flight can survive easily here, they are at a disadvantage the flying kind. But, travelers beware: each end of the plane starts to plane shift with elements of the neighboring plane.

  Natural vortices connect the Elemental Plane of Air and the Material Plane, usually on high mountaintops or in the middle of severe weather conditions (such as the eye of a hurricane). Created portals exist throughout the plane, and link to the other planes, but there is only a limited number of known portals between the Material Plane and the Plane of Air. These are heavily guarded by races and worshipers of the loyal gods that enforce the rule of “The Fracturing”.

Plane of Existence
Location under


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