Elemental Plane of Earth

The Elemental Plane of Earth is a solid place made of rock, soil, and stone. The unwary and unprepared traveler may find themself entombed within this vast solidity of material and have his life crushed into nothingness, their powdered remains a warning to any foolish enough to follow.

Despite its solid, unyielding nature, the Elemental Plane of Earth is varied in its consistency, ranging from relatively soft soil to veins of heavier and more valuable metal. Striations of granite, volcanic rock, and marble interweave with brittle crystal and soft, crumbling chalks and sandstones. Thin veins of gemstones, rough and huge, can be found within the plane, and these unpolished jewels often lead the greedy to this plane in the hopes of picking them up with minimal effort. Such prospectors often meet their match in the natives of the Elemental Plane of Earth, who feel extremely attached (sometimes literally) to parts of their home.

Localized Phenomena

  • Heavy Gravity: The penalties of the heavy gravity trait apply to all creatures, native and visitor, on the plane.
  • Normal Time.
  • Infinite Size.
  • Earth-Dominant.

Languages: Terran
Color pools Moss granite
Tuning fork:
  • Zinc, A
  • Crystal, A (City of Jewels)

Dimensional plane
Location under
Included Locations

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