Nacthlied Character in Jethiea | World Anvil


Nacthlied is the goddess of darkness, and all things dark and evil. She is the sister of Shanwaser.

Nacthlied is the goddess of darkness, the night, especially the moonless sky, and all things dark and evil. She is the creator of the Shadow Weave, the dark counterpart of the Weave created by Akadi, the Danu. Since her domain includes darkness she is also known as the goddess of caverns, dungeons, and the Underdark, and all deeds done under darkness, secrets, and things hidden.

Independent and capricious she is widely known for her cutting wit and great eloquence. She hides her dark and brooding nature with a sheer eloquence and demeaner, until her rage has been ignited.

She is the twin sister of Shanwaser and counterpart to her sister. Once the were worshipped cooperatively as the Moon and Dark Sky. But, jealous began to take hold in Nacthlied as Shanwaser began to grow in importance and take on a larger role as “The Mother Goddess of Humans”. This came to a breaking point, when Wolkengot stole pieces of the Clay of Creation, and made her children. Unable to comprehend the bond that Shanwaser had with Wolkengot as mothers, Nacthlied mistook it as a preferential slight and fought with the two goddesses. Wounded and defeated, she was able portal away and created what now is known as the Shadowfell and Shadow Magic.
She is the creator of the Shadow Weave.

Divine Domains

  • Darkness
  • Trickery
  • Moonless Nights
  • Secrets
  • Caverns
  • Dungeons
  • Shadows
  • Loss
  • The Underdark

Holy Books & Codes

  • Compassion of the Shadows
  • The Wind that Blows at Night

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A black disc, representing the new moon, or a black disc with a purple eclipse to the right side.

Tenets of Faith

Blessed Seven Doctrine

Nacthlied is a twisted and perverse being of hatred, jealousy, and evil. She can see every being, object, and act performed within Darkness and holds dominion over pains hidden but not forgotten, carefully nurtured bitterness, and quiet revenge for old slights. She spends much of her energy battling her old nemesis, and sister, Shanwasser, in a war that is older than recorded time.

Articles under Nacthlied


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