
The Shadowfell, also known as the Demiplane of Shadows or the Shadowlands, is the home to shadows, dread, and the dark feelings of life. To wander through the plane is to risk losing yourself in misery and apathy. The Shadowfell is not a place for mortals to visit on a whim, and many who do visit are forever changed by its dismal appearance.


Looking into the Shadowfell, there is not much here to entice most adventurers. The dark shadows permeate not only the land, causing everything to come across as muted grays, blacks and whites, but it even infects the hearts and souls of the adventurers. Throughout the Shadowfell is the overwhelming sensation of melancholy. Visitors to this plane feel the constant chill on the air and the damp in their bones. Even the sun, when it does shine through the heavy clouds, is weak and far away, doing little to warm the skin. Many that live in the Shadowfell are seen as cold and apathetic, and visitors can quickly fall into that same despair.

Journeying through the Shadowfell is no more dangerous than journeying through the Material Plane, though there are areas that are more dangerous than others. Traveling the plane can be fairly difficult as the land itself is morphic and is constantly in a state of change, though you wouldn’t be able to tell by observing it.

The Shadowfell is a place that visitors come with a set mission in mind and then leave. Through the ruins of cities and the dead forests, adventurers must always be on guard; for if the melancholy doesn’t dull your spirits, the natives may get to you.


Walking through the Shadowfell, the first thing one will notice is that all color has been sucked out. Living things still grow, though they appear drab and grey, and while they still provide food it is far from nourishing. There is the constant and pervading chill that hangs in the air, it is always chilly, even when the weak sun appears from behind the heavy clouds in the air. The air of Shadowfell is heavy with despair and sorrow; it infects ones lungs and hangs there in the body, sucking out energy.

The land is always dull and at night it is like walking through pitch blackness. Lighting torches do little to dispel the darkness and a campfire's warmth is gone from its feeble light, in fact, it is incredibly dangerous to have a light source in the Shadowfell as the dark creatures who inhabit this world are drawn to it.

Localized Phenomena

The Domains of Dread, sometimes collectively known as the Demiplane of Dread are located in a remote corner of the Shadowfell and hidden from the rest of the plane by thick walls of mist. Thes Domains linger between the Shadowfell and the Material Plane.
Alternative Name(s)
Plane of Shadow, Shadowland, Demiplane of Shadow
Plane of Existence
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location

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