The Gleichens - Sind & Dy Character in Jethiea | World Anvil

The Gleichens - Sind & Dy

Gleichens are the goddesses of fresh and salt water. Twins are eternally linked together and must have the other to survive.    Helleflam beliefs include storms are the twin goddesses fight for the attention of their mother, the goddess Shanwaser.

Divine Domains

  • Water
  • Weather
  • The Seas
  • Large bodies of water
  • Storms

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Weapons blessed by gods would be the net and trident.
Gleichens:   • Chaotic Neutral Alignment (balanced between chaotic good and chaotic evil)   • Fisherman and sailors take Gleichens as their patron goddess and often make sacrifices and offering to them before setting sail
Divine Classification


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