The Mountain King and God-Emperor of Dwarna

God-Emperor (a.k.a. The Mountain King)


The Mountain King wields Ulfrokr, a greataxe said to be bestowed from the One itself. It is seen as the symbol of Dwarna and the Cult of the Mountain King.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The Mountain King is a medical mystery to scientists all over Dwarna. He has no skin, organs, or tissue- yet still retains life as a mere skeleton. He sees through strange gems in his eyes much to the likeness of Destiny.

Apparel & Accessories

He is never seen without his Golden Era (GE) Dwarnan armor. Two large wooly rhinoceros horns stand upon his greathelm.

Specialized Equipment

The Mountain King wields the mighty Ulfrokr, an axe as cold as the tundras and with as much legacy as the God-Emperor himself.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In -5417CE a dwarf woman gave birth to a skinless child. The child is abandoned in the frozen wasteland without a name.    The abandoned skeletal dwarf, then an adult, returned to the Dwarnan capital, single-handedly slaughtering every guard in his way. The corpses were mangled and frozen. The Dwarnan king was slain by the skeleton, who swiftly took control as the God-Emperor of Dwarna. He was worshipped as the one true god. None stood to oppose him.    In -2810GE The Mountain King was assassinated by his council of advisors. On the same day another skeletal dwarf was born, but instead of being abandoned it was delivered to the Orcs to die. The council took command of the Dwarnan Empire.   With an army of orcs at his side, the skeletal dwarf returned to the capital. He ordered a catapult attack on the mountain peak, caving in the Dwarnan Council. He then stormed the city and crushed any opposition. The God-Emperor had returned once more.   The Mountain King, in a state of depression from his major defeat in the War for the Eight Realms, took his own life. On the same day another skeletal dwarf was born. The family buried the baby underneath a statue of the past God-Emperor.   The buried child, once more an adult, was finally set free after the statue was scrapped for its precious metals. He spent two years amassing great wealth by working with the pirate lord Batuna, soon returning to his homeland. He gave out all of the money he obtained to the citizens of Gallagach City, soon being appointed as the God-Emperor for a third time.


The Mountain King was never given a chance to be educated due to his three-time abandonment. Instead he retained the information he learned from his past lives, always returning with more and more knowledge.


The Mountain King is the current King, God-Emperor, High Judge, Commander & Chief, Deity, Grand Admiral, and Secretary of State.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Mountain King led two successful incursions on Gallagach City. He also became renowned in Denaunt for his service to the Pirate Lord and Goddess of the Sea Batuna. The Mountain King is also responsible for the Dwarnan recovery from Black Thursday.

Mental Trauma

The Mountain King his highly paranoid and extremely cautious due to his own assassination and defeat in the War for the Eight Realms.

Morality & Philosophy

The Ends Justify the Means
Divine Classification
Demi-God (?)
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
The Third Return
Current Location
6870 (estimated)
Circumstances of Birth
The Mountain King has been born three times- always skinless and abandoned.
Gallagach City, Dwarna
Current Residence
Gallagach City
Cyan Crystals
rock johnson lookin-ass
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Marble-Colored Bone
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwavish, Elven, Sylvan, and Draconic.


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