Dwarna ((dwarn-uh))

Dwarna is home to the hardy dwarven folk, as well as orcs and goliaths. The frozen tundras and snowy peaks house beasts and animals locked in a guerilla war against each other. This realm isn't a kind one, but it's home to many nevertheless.


Dwarna has four major regions named accordingly to their location. Southeast Dwarna is the most temperate region. It's filled with forests and slopes, with a natural valley home to the city Valley Station. In the north are coal-filled mountains.   Southwest Dwarna is an extremely mountainous region, containing the most (although not tallest) mountains. Because of the survivable peaks, goliaths are the most frequently seen inhabitants.   North Dwarna is a death sentence to anyone wandering the tundras. The only four places of refuge are divided up across the wastes. The southernmost is Iceberg Fort, home to dwarven soldiers. Directly north of the fort is Pike Cavern and Gallagach City. Both of these places are off-limits to anyone that isn't a dwarven citizen. To the west is a cavern, one that people don't return from.   East Dwarna is survivable but dangerous. It is home to orcs and ogres, but the forests to the south are plentiful. Game and berry bushes dot the countryside.


Every second in Dwarna the countless wars and battles continue. The vast majority of creatures are carnivores feasting off each other. The rest of the creatures are omnivores that eat both the limited amount of plants and the large amounts of animals. Dwarnan hunters pride themselves for surviving even a week in the wilderness.

Localized Phenomena

Icebergs frozen in time scatter the icy rivers. They somehow scoot across the frozen surface, moving only a foot every year.


Dwarna is incredibly cold, mainly with its bitter wind. The sharp breezes tend to dry things out due to the speed.

Natural Resources

Dwarna is rich in coal, iron, mithril (minnet in dwarvish), gold, limeston, marble, lumber, and animal skins.


Dwarna has had a rocky history since the beginning of its creation. Dwarves settled their mountain homes without any contest, but after a few centuries conflict arose. Orcs, from out of nowhere, launched assaults on Gallagach City (known as "Urngor Orhim" in dwarvish). The orcs managed to seize the hold completely before being swiftly overwhelmed by goliath and dwarven reinforcements.  Over the years, the southern regions of Dwarna began being populated by humans and other attempted colonizers. The last straw of aggression was when a human attempted to buy Pike Cavern off of the dwarves. A group of dwarven rebels stormed Valley Station and ripped it out of the colonizers' hands. Since then, the only two different nations in Dwarna are the Dwarven Empire and the Orc Clans.


Valley Station is a hotspot for tourism in the Nine Realms. the Dwarven Empire makes lots of money buy selling overpriced cold-resistant clothing.
Magical Realm
Inhabiting Species


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