The Dwarnan Empire


The Dwarnan Empire is surprisingly democratic in nature. All laws, trials, and declarations are voted on through direct democracy. The Mountain King holds power as a judge, figurehead, and chief of the military.


The Dwarnan Empire's culture is based around the culture of dwarves. Mountains are seen as holy lands of their own, while ale and mead is worshipped as the blood of the Mountain King. Dwarnan society has an innumerable amount of allusions to mining and caving.

Public Agenda

The Dwarnan Empire seeks to reclaim the economy it lost on Black Thursday. They also seek to rebuild the military prowess they lost after the War for the Eight Realms.


The Dwarnan Treasury is the most heavily-guarded wealth in all Eight Realms. Though it is no longer the richest, it is grand. The Dwarnans have forts and mountain outposts across Dwarna.

Demography and Population

The majority of citizens in the Dwarnan Empire are unsurprisingly dwarves at a staggering 43%. Goliaths and Aarokocra make up 27%. Humans and Werebears make up 15%. The remaining 25% is diverse.


The Dwarnan Empire official controls all of Dwarna and Deiascire.


The Dwarnan Military was commanded by the deceased General Kelka. Now it is divided between the Mountain King and General Xanir.

Technological Level

Dwarna is renowned for its military and infrastructural technology but severely lacks in agriculture.


Dwarna's unenforced state religion is the Cult of the Mountain King, with Itorius worship following it as the most popular. Other religions are tolerated.

Foreign Relations

The Dwarnan will always prioritize itself, though it remains friendly with most factions. Its closest allies are the Elinov Federation and the Denauntian Republic since they share many of the same values.



Agriculture & Industry

Dwarna gets the majority of its food from hunting and trading. They are locked in a colonial-style agricultural industry.   The Dwarnan mining and metalsmithing industry is self-explanatory.

Trade & Transport

Dwarna relies heavily on its marine trade in Denaunt, transporting commodities out of Deiascire and the Archipelago Kingdoms into the resource-poor Denauntian Republic.


The Dwarnan education system is mediocre at best. Dwarven children go through a mandatory twenty years of education in public schools before becoming apprentices in their desired trade. It leads to a massive amount of tradesman and specialists but a small amount of general workers.


Dwarna hosts intricate tunnels that transport people, resources, and water through an artificial underground river. These tunnels span from Gallagach all the way to Valley Station.

"To the Deepest Depths and the Highest Mountains!"

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Djerg Kjungrondrik, the Old Empire, the Dwarven Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Gladiville, Peak Lodge, Goliath Chain, Grace's Mine, Valley Station, Southwest Dwarna National Park, Iceberg Fort, Pike Cavern, Gallagach City, Dwarna (Realm)
Copper, silver, gold. Though wealth is distributed.
Major Exports
Dwarna exports unrefined ore, refined metals, lumber, mead, ale, and other resources of the like.
Major Imports
Dwarna imports large amounts of food and horses.
Legislative Body
The Dwarnan People's Party
Judicial Body
The Dwarnan People's Party and the Mountain King
Executive Body
The Mountain King
Official State Religion

Open Borders, Docking Rights

Uneasy Peace


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