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Night-Bloom Syndicate

Night-Bloom Syndicate

  This Criminal syndicate is a possible patron for the party and also the strongest and farthest reaching organized crime group. The syndicate appears to be run by a 'Council of Crime', each representative from a different region or area of expertise. They control daily operations and coordinate criminal activity across the continent. There is hardly a crime they don't know about or orchestrated. With deep influence and deep pockets this organization is shrewd, skilled, and able to get away just about any crime they desire. They are secretly led by a shadowy benefactor that directs individuals in the council and ultimately controls final decisions (unbeknownst to the council much of time).   This guild is the least politicial organization on the continent. Indeed, high ranking officials tend to influence politics more than be swayed by particular beliefs or views. The political stance changes constantly as bribes, influence, and information waxes and wanes with important political parties.  

Syndicate Rules-

TBD, but stealing, hurting, killing, false accusations, snitching, etc. are all forbidden. (Need to codify into a neat looking format, still)  

Syndicate Members-

The Shadowy leader is Cryon Viletongue (Halfling Female), although she regularly employs body doubles (always human males) to portray her and receive all threats and violence. Various ranks are associated with different colors, often worn as a handkerchief around the arm.
  1. Purple- Shadow Council Member
  2. Silver- Master Assassin (coordinates violent crimes across the continent
  3. Gold- Master Thief (coordinates crimes across the continent)
  4. Green- Expert (coordinates crimes across a small region, reports to silver and gold members)
  5. Blue- Specialist (specific purposes and jobs, may answer to green, gold, or silver)
  6. Red- Private (experienced and trusted member)
  7. None- Member (most criminals are members unless they earn some trust and demonstrate their skill or experience)
  Most guild members work and live in their home cities or locations. They recieve their orders from drop boxes or safehouses and rarely does a member ever meet a ranking member. The headquarters of the organization is known only as Beha Fooyet. Few members even know of its existence, and even fewer have visited the esteemed and shadowy lair of the Syndicate.  


Wherever corruption and money are to be made, there are allies of a crime syndicate.
  • Politicians- corruption can grip anyone, especially those with access to power. Some receive bribes in exchange for looking the other way or even support for some of the syndicates activities.
  • City watch and other city patrols- often at least one person can be swayed or blackmailed…
  • Other guilds- someone in each and every faction reports to the syndicate, knowingly or unknowingly.
  • Head of State- every major government in the world has someone in the Head of State's inner circle that reports or coordinates with the Night-Bloom Syndicate


Those of impeachable values and morals will always oppose the Syndicate    
  • Religious Orders- often there is someone willing to trade information or assistance, but most religions don't have an ally in the upper echelons
  • Military Force- Varies from nation to nation, but many higher ranking military officials are not interested in money or bribes, so they are harder to control

Patron Benefits-

  • Assignments- 5 renown- The syndicate may assign you occasional tasks. These are not optional (failure to do them will eject you from the guild and return your renown to 0). If stealing or other money is involved often the syndicate will only require a 15% share or 85% of the fee will be passed to the group upon completion (DMs discretion for higher or lower).
  • Contraband- 5 renown- You have access to poisons and other illicit substances/objects as long as you can make contact with a member. (typically no discounts)
  • Fences- 5 renown- can sell illicit goods and goods of higher value that might draw attention otherwise. They can also find a buyer for a magic item, saving you the time to find one, however the syndicate will take ~20% of the total selling price.
  • Immunity- 5 renown- protected from members of the same syndicate. They won’t steal from you/kill you as long you do the same (breaking the rule constitutes ejection and renown dropped to 0)
  • Syndicate businesses- 5 renown- many businesses are fronts for the syndicates. These businesses offer a 5% discount.
  • Syndicate assessor-25 renown- You are now able to recommend assignments to the guild, it can be something you wish to undertake or someone else could do it. On payouts higher than 5,000 gp that you complete you only need to pay a 15% share (DMs discretion higher or lower). You gain extra renown from assignments that are completed that you recommended.
  • Safe Houses- 25 renown- The Night Bloom Syndicate maintains hiding spots or houses that can be used to lie low. Your group learns how to locate these redoubts and stay at them for a poor lifestyle (no cost). Revealing a safe house (accidently or on purpose) will result in loss of renown.
  • Tool proficiency- 50 renown- spend 2 weeks in downtime with intensive training to gain proficiency in the disguise kit. Keep this proficiency only as long as you maintain 50+ renown.
  • Poison expert- 75 renown- spend 4 weeks in intensive training to gain the feat Poisoner (Tasha’s 80). If you already have this feat, you gain a different feat you meet the prerequisites for. Keep this feat only as long as you maintain 75+ renown.
  • Inside knowledge- 75 renown- You can be trusted with sensitive information. You can learn about inside information for other factions or governments. After spending 1 month developing a safe house/non-eavesdropping area (etc.) you can have an informant or an informant’s handler share some detailed and juicy details with you. Needs to be repeated for each faction/government where appropriate.
  (Note- renown system still a work in progress, exact details to earn renown and increase rank is still to be determined.)


Officially, the Night-Bloom Syndicate is lead by a council of five members. These are typically skilled assassins, cunning thieves, powerful politicians, or unscrupulous governemnt leaders. Unbeknownst to most members and the public is that a shadowy guild leader directs the activities and goals of the council. Many current and past council members are unaware of the influence and power of this hidden guild leader. The official ranking is as follows:
  1. Purple- Shadow Council Member
  2. Silver- Master Assassin (coordinates violent crimes across the continent
  3. Gold- Master Thief (coordinates crimes across the continent)
  4. Green- Expert (coordinates crimes across a small region, reports to silver and gold members)
  5. Blue- Specialist (specific purposes and jobs, may answer to green, gold, or silver)
  6. Red- Private (experienced and trusted member)
  7. None- Member (most criminals are members unless they earn some trust and demonstrate their skill or experience)


Money is the entire goal of the Syndicate. Easily the wealthiest organization on the continent, the syndicate aims to keep it that way. There may be some individual members who value violence and debauchery over money, but the organization tends to think with a goal of earning more money than a nation. The only rules that are strictly enforced are the guild laws. These are heavily policed and offenders are often never heard nor seen again.


Beha Fooyet is a large building that houses many financial assets, including gold, jewels, art, and other items of value. However, it also houses other assets, such as rogue trainers, weapons, armor, and many other untold valuable people or creatures.   Otherwise, criminal groups are divided into pods, each with thier own share of resources and valuables. The amount available is dependent on the success of the pod.
Illicit, Syndicate
Alternative Names
The Shadow Guild, Crime Syndicate
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories


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