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These gardens were once named Ka-Nanji, the Garden of Dreams.   Now ruined, the palace gardens of an ancient Queen are said to contain rare and exotic species of flowers and plants. It currently sits in the middle of a lake in the marshlands East of the River Olung. It is a multi-layered structure of stone and gardens, with a large central dome, and several smaller dome structures. Centrally a stream of water flows dividing the southern section into two halves, and lush overgrown gardens sit between stone walls, though much has crumbled away or collapsed, the roots of trees and vines holding it together in places, and pushing it apart in others. It is adorned with many carvings of elephants and crocodiles.   The Sexiles learned that the Gnolls of Lake Luo under the rebel leader Rega, had been seen around this location, possibly working alongside Yuan-Ti. Adeno and Gnolls who had been loyal to Pheno were tracking this faction before they were scattered.   From a captured Druid, the Sexiles learned that the palace holds some great monster that defends it, but for those willing the risk, many valuable and rare plants could be found, including a berry that could potentially cure death.  
  The Sexiles discovered messages and inscriptions around Nangalore, some carved intricately into the stone, others deliberately destroyed and gouged out, and others scratched into the stone. These engravings told the story of the ancient Queen of Omu, who still dwells within the gardens as a cursed monster, and her lover, the great General Thiru-Taya, depicted in the giant statue in the central building.   Zalkoré was banished to these gardens after become cursed as a foul monster, none may look upon her without suffering a terrible fate of petrification, as shown by the many stone statues scattered around the gardens, unfortunate souls caught in her gaze. She believed her lover had betrayed her, and as such defaced his statue and many of the engravings of the gardens. His ashes were returned to her upon his death, and she learned thew truth, that he had remained loyal and was in fact imprisoned in Omu for all these years. her grief and isolation drove her to madness. Ka-Nanji became Nangalore, the Garden of Lost Dreams.   The Sexiles met Zalkoré first hand, as she investigated their presence in her domain. Sh allowed them entry to her chambers after they displayed fealty and devotion. Murals on the walls displayed her tragic story, and she brought the stonework to life, reliving her grief and bitterness. On hearing that others now ruled in Omu, she grew wrathful, and bade the Sexiles do her bidding in routing out these imposters. The group used this opportunity to steal the berry of a Black Lotus flower, set in an exquisite vase next to her, the berry they had heard rumour of. The Queen had been cultivating this plant in hopes of returning her lost love to her, though she did not know how. Her screams of betrayal were the last thing they heard as they fled the gardens.   It was here that the Sexiles first encountered the timid jungle spirits, the Chwinga.
Alternative Names
Ka-Nanji - Garden of Dreams
Characters in Location


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