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Lying within a basin hidden in the depths of the rainforest, east from the Valley of Lost Honour, and West of the Peaks of Flame, surrounded on all sides by tall cliffs, stands the ancient city of Omu. Once the crowning civilisation of Chult, Omu was a prosperous city, full of jewels and rare ores, trade and commerce. To enter the city was to enter the very gates of paradise, its roads paved with stone and bordered with lustrous plants and trees. Gardens, rivers, temples, palaces, everything was built to beauty and perfection, until the Omuans fell to greed and hubris.     The armies of Omu conquered almost the whole island, in their quest for dominance and tribute. They took slaves from their vassals, and where the flesh price could not be met, they took blood. Ubtao was angered by the Omuans, turning his back upon them, leaving the city to fall to famine and disease, and the uprising of the slaves. Priests whose power derived from Ubtao lost their divine abilities and spells, nobles fled or were killed, but many more of the common folk fled Omu entirely, integrating into the populations of the other Chultan cities, M'Bala, Mezro and Port Nyanzaru, or forming smaller tribal communities within the jungles. Omu was forgotten, maps destroyed, coins melted down, it was now the Forbidden City. Somewhere within Chult, there still remain those with claim to be direct descendants of the old Omuan Royal line   Those who remained in Omu struggled, until the coming of the Trickster Gods who promised power in return for the devotion of the Omuans. In desperation, Omu agreed, tearing down the old shrines to Ubtao and erecting more in worship of the Nine. But the Tricksters were fickle and sometimes cruel, and they did not possess the power that Ubtao had wielded. the Tricksters therefore tested their supplicants in elaborate trials, only gifting their divine power to those who proved themselves worthy, in their eyes. The Tricksters were weak, and so the Omuans would sacrifice in their name, enhancing their power. For a time, Omu survived, though it's glory was long forgotten.   Omu gained the attention of an ancient evil, attracted by the clever constructs and trials that the Omuans had built to honour their Gods. The Nine Trickster Gods were murdered. This Architect, using the Omuans as his workforce, then began a construction of his own, the Tomb of the Nine Gods. Despite the pleading of the last Queen of Omu, the remaining population of the city met the same fate as their nine gods, murdered and interred within the tomb.   In more recent history, the city became inhabited by the Yuan-Ti, who built a temple to their own God, Dendar, the Night Serpent. Other areas of the ancient city now host other tribes and creatures, making a home among the ruins of a once glorious civilisation.
The Island of Chult, Shining Sea, South-Western Faerûn
Large city


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