Ytepka Society Organization in Jungles of Chult | World Anvil
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Ytepka Society

Originally, the Ytepka (or Triceratops) Society were a group of Chultans working to oppose the Amnian occupation and exploitation of Chult, and it's members were a key part in Port Nyanzaru's liberation and independence nine years ago, and the inception of the Merchant Princes as rulers of the City.   Now they work covertly, their members a secret bulwark against the rise of any other factions, foreign or domestic, that may attempt to upset society. Individuals that have been deemed a threat to this balance, or that have been acting in a way contrary to the peace and well-being of the city, sometimes find themselves in possession of an iron coin, emblazoned with the Triceratops symbol, a "polite" reminder from the group to change their behaviors or account for their actions before sanctions are made.


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