Port Nyanzaru Settlement in Jungles of Chult | World Anvil
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Port Nyanzaru

The capital city of Chult, the port is located on the Bay of Chult at the mouth of the River Soshenstar at the North of the Island. Previously a colony of Amn, Port Nyanzaru is now an independent city-state run by its Merchant Princes, and the major trading hub of the Chultan peninsula.  
Port Nyanzaru
Capital City of Chult
  Port Nyanzaru is a loud and vibrant city, full of life and colour. Tropical foliage meets sandstone buildings, laden with awnings, vines, flowering pots. The creak of ships at dock and and wash of the water of the Bay of Chult meets the frenzy of trade and celebration in the city, shouting, singing, music and the ubiquitous great reptiles, the Dinosaurs unique to Chult. Every building is painted with bright colours and murals depicting these beasts, plus many legends and local heroes. Equally colourful are the crowds of people, both rich and poor expressing themselves with reds, pinks, blues, oranges, feathers, animal hides. Guards patrol the walls and streets in shining bronze armour and tall spears, reflecting the bright Chultan Sun.   Set upon four hills, the City is split into several districts, within and without the walls. The Old City lies outside of the South-West gate, two ziggurats flanking the road. It's here the poorest citizens dwell, unable to afford accommodation inside the walls. Similarly, Malar's Throat sits in a valley at the Southern gate, a chasm filled with ramshackle huts and rainwater. The rich Western portion of the city is the Merchant's Ward, where the Merchant Princes live and conduct their business. Their council meets within Goldenthrone upon Throne Hill. The eastern portion is for the more day to day trading and working in the city, the Market Ward, which includes the Hall of Gold and Grand Coliseum. The Harbour Ward can be the most thriving areas, always busy with traffic and trade from the sea. Outside the South-Eastern walls lies Tiryki Anchorage, where the most famous of Port Nyanzaru's assets are raised and trained, the great reptiles. Between the Eastern walls and the Bay of Chult sits the most affluent residential area outside of the merchant's Ward. Portside, popular among richer citizens for its quieter streets and sea views.


Port Nyanzaru is inhabited largely by Human of Chultan descent, forming around two-thirds of the population. The rest is made of a diverse collection from many races both native to the island and otherwise. Other races have settled here from the mainland, Dwarves , Elves, Halfling and Dragonborn primarily, seeking to make their fortunes or ply there trades in the Chultan climate. Some branches of Albino Dwarf are actually now native to the island, commonly identified by their pale skin, and members of these clans have come to Port also. Lizardfolk  that have left behind their Jungle tribes come and learn city trades, Tabaxi are prevalent, as are others of bestial or monstrous descent such as Aarakocra, Tortles and Goblins. Even these Beastfolk and Goblinoids who eschew the usual raiding and destructive tendencies of more common groups can be seen here accepted as part of society.


Since gaining it's independence from Amn nine years ago, Port Nyanzaru is run by a council of the seven Merchant Princes , each with an equal vote in governing affairs. Each Prince controls certain aspects of trade and commerce within the City. They were brought forwards from the richest members of Port Nyanzaru after it's independence, with succession going to family members or other rich nobles on agreement from the rest of the council. The seat of the council is Goldenthrone, an opulent Amnian palace that overlooks the Bay.


The main city is defended by a great wall of filled stone, though poorer areas such as Malar's Throat and the Old City lie outside of it. Primarily it defends against the encroachment of the jungle itself, along with whatever resides within it. Undead are a frequent threat, and should they move on Port Nyanzaru in numbers, warning horns are sounded, calling citizens to make for the main city. A citizens brigade operates outside the walls, on watch for such threats. At sea, there is a limited naval force, but piracy is very much an active aspect of the Shining sea. Sailors know however that Port Nyanzaru specifically has another being keeping watch in the deep. In need, Fort Nyanzaru can raise a great iron chain that blocks all passage into the Harbour Ward, predominantly uses against smugglers and other criminals. The Fort also houses two great ballistae.   In terms of military strength, Port Nyanzaru has no standing army, and the vast majority of security is provided by Mercenary's employed directly by the Merchant Princes. The Zhentarim are a very common source of personal and private guards. There is a City Watch that work directly for Port Nyanzaru, funded by the Hall of Gold, which work closely with private forces.

Industry & Trade

To say the city is the only trading hub in Chult would do it a disservice, were there multiple, Port Nyanzaru would still stand above the others in its riches and opportunities. Traders come here to barter for dyes, spices, jewels, fabrics, fruits, livestock of the unique creatures Chult breeds. It also trades heavily towards adventurers and mercenary arming, the island proving tempting grounds for those inclined towards hunting and dungeon delving, with Jungle Guides plying their trade.


The Port City is fueled by rainfall, each building containing wooden cisterns to catch the run off from their roofs, waterwheels to make use of the streams that run through specially cut channels down from the four hills of the City, powering millstones, bellows, lathes, all manner of Chultan engineering. Most physically demanding endeavors are achieved via the use of uniquely Chultan beasts of burden, the Dinosaurs of the island. Huge reptiles that pull, carry and lift wagons, stones and pulleys. Bred, raised and trained in the Tiryki Anchorage, many beasts are also used for the cities Dinosaur Races.


Port Nyanzaru sits upon four hills in between the rolling terrain of the Northern coast of Chult. Throne Hill at the South-West of the city overlooks the road passing through the Old City, a looming presence over the main city gates, upon which sits Goldenthrone, the seat of the Merchant Princes. North of this stands Temple Hill, upon which sits the Temple of Savras and several of the Merchant Prince's Villas. North-East sits the tallest peak, Mount Sibasa, and the Chultans have made a shrine to their way of life upon it, the most gleaming structure of the Hall of Gold. Just to the South of Mount Sibasa sits Yklwazi Hill, upon which the Grand Coliseum lies.   Port Nyanzaru sits on a headland jutting into the Bay of Chult between the River Soshenstar and the River Tiryki. The surrounding jungle is far less dense than mainland Chult, and thus a little safer for hunting and foraging.
The Island of Chult, Shining Sea, South-Western Faerûn
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City of Merchants, The Jewel of Chult, City of Colours, City of Flowers
Owning Organization
Vehicles Present


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