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Da Scrapjaw Klan


The Scrapjaw Klan is split between numerous designations that define an Ork's general role on Da Heap. The two largest of these subgroups are Da Scrappaz and Da Wreckerz, both of these subgroups essentially serve the same purpose, smashing up anything and anyone they find. These two sub-klans have a fierce rivalry and easily come to blows with each other. Any real distinctions between the two groups are lost even to the Orks. Often when the two sub-klans clash Orks will frequently switch sides or become confused and start attacking their fellows. Yet the rivalry persists. A few other notable sub-klans are; the Tinkaz, mostly Meks and Weirdboyz who build things from the scrap that covers Da Heap other; Trashsortaz, grots and gitz who pick through the scrap for the best bits and finally there's the Junkers, nomadic Orks with an affinity for raising the massive mutated squigs that inhabit Da Heap. There are numerous other sub-klans on Da Heap that make up the wider Scrapjaw Klan, ranging from scrap fleet pirates who sail the poisoned seas to strange cults formed around arcane junk.   The many Orks that make up the Scrapjawz often form up into little enclaves, junk fortresses built out of the waste they dwell in. These enclaves are often founded by a Big Boss who can corral the surrounding Orks into building one of these forts. Other Bosses simply swarm over Da Heap, a tide of destruction, breaking down the scrap as they go for gear and besieging other warbands's fortresses to grow their horde. These hordes constantly compete for supremacy over Da Heap, though any Warband that get too big often end up having a ton of scrap dropped on them from orbit by the Imperials.


The Scrapjawz's are very orky Orks, they love to fight and smash things up. Though one unique thing about the Scrapjawz is their strange squigs. The radiation from all the toxic waste on Da Heap caused squigs to mutate and multiply rapidly. Thus almost all Scrapjaw Orks will have a pet squig of some kind. Some Orks even collect as many unique varieties of squigs as they can. It is considered a symbol of great power to have a vast collection of unique squigs. Often whole wars have been started between warlords over possession of a particularly flashy squig.   Squigs are not the only things the Orks of the Scrapjawz collect, scrap is a prized resource on Da Heap. What exactly scrap is no one really knows, perhaps not even the Orks? Simply put scrap is waste that is useful to the Orks and junk is waste that isn't useful. Hence why most Scrapjaw Orks can be found covered in scrap and boasting about how flashy their scrap is compared to their mates. This makes them particularly tough to kill as even the runtiest boy is covered in layers of rusted plasteel.


Da Scrapjawz were once a very minor presence on the Agri World of Aerüng XIII back then they were simple feral Orks, not amounting to much of anything bar fighting. The local PDF kept them more than under control, often hunting them for practice. This changed when Aerüng XIII became a toxic wasteland fit only to be a dumping ground. The worse Aerüng XIII got the more the Orks thrived. The difficult conditions caused the squigs to get bigger, and the Orks to get tougher. The abundance of waste metals and junk on the planet let the Orks thrive, giving rise to the new culture forming.
First Encountered:
Da Heap
Biggest Boss
Rust, Dark Red and Yellow


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