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Medraut the Black

Knight-Captain, Fae Hunter


Medraut the Black is the current Captain of the tenth company. He started out life as the youngest son of a noble Albatanic house. He was forced into becoming an aspirant as at the time the Chapter was in need of new recruits and the Knight-Commander ordered an emergency draft of the noble houses. Medraut would pass his trials and be raised to the ranks of the 10th company. Serving as a scout Medraut quickly took to his duty. He was patient, cautious and pragmatic, traits that served him well in the tenth company. The Knight-Captain of the 10th at the time saw Medraut’s potential and on the day Medraut would have left to join another company was offered a chance to remain in the 10th. Medraut agreed and donned the armour of the Black Knights, forever forsaking his own chance at glory. Medraut immediately noticed a change in how his brothers treated him. Warriors who he had served decades with in the 10th would no longer speak to him. He and his new brothers were removed from the Chapter as a whole, eating, sleeping and training in the Labyrinth of Heroes. Medraut through centuries of service earned a reputation as a crack shot, some claiming him to be greater than a Vindicare Assassin. Though his renown is only known to his fellow Black Knights.   Medraut finally rose to the rank of Knight-Captain of the 10th, earning the title of the Black and the company heraldry of a Scythe Harvesting wheat. His brothers only speak highly of him, the ideal of what a Black Knight should be. Those that he has helped train will say that his tactical acumen is worthy of the Ultramarines finest. Yet the wider Chapter still derides him, saying that he often visits the woods on fae hunts.   Utherdane however values Medraut as a trusted counsellor, having inducted him into Utherdane’s own inner circle or household knights. Medraut is privy to the Chapter’s most closely guarded secrets and he keeps them well. Many a foe of the Sons of Avalon has been found dead, a sniper’s kiss left right between their eyes.
"War is simply patience. Knowing when to act will win any battle." - Medraut the Black
Imperium of Man, Sons of Avalon Space Marine Chapter
Current Status
Bald - Shaven
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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