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The Sons of Avalon

Sons of Avalon Chapter Symbol

The Sons of Avalon are renowned as an extremely honourable Chapter. Yet they are as clad in mystery as they are in glory. Styled after knights of old Terran myth. The Sons of Avalon's skill with blades is only matched by their gift of foresight. Their psychic abilities while having saved many a vital Imperial force. Has brought the Inquisition's eye upon them. Many an Inquisitor has come to their world to investigate the Chapter's psychic gifts. Investigating rumours of the fae that are said to haunt the forests of Albatanica. Only for Inquisitors to disappear, lost within the Faenholt. These disappearances have only brought more suspicion upon the Chapter. Some whisper that these honourable knights have made a dark deal for their unnatural abilities. Yet those who have fought beside them or been saved by their sudden appearance. Say that these Astartes are loyal warriors of the Imperium who preach the protection of the helpless and conduct themselves with the deepest dignity.

Combat Doctrine

Sons of Avalon Hearthguard
“Knighthood lies above eternity; it doesn’t live off fame, but rather deeds.”
— The Pryndraconic Code

On the battlefield the knights of Albatanica are a wall of ceramtie crashing down upon the foe. Storming into battle on foot or mounted upon bikes. Their favour and talent for this form of warfare stems from the Pryndraconic Code. The code is the seminal work of the Chapter, said to have been written by their semi-mythical founder, the Pryndracis. The work is held in as high regard as the Codex Astartes by the sons. It prescribes numerous tactics, philosophies and tenants by which the Sons of Avalon live. Merging war, honour and chivalry as only a Space Marine can.

Most Sons of Avalon tactics follow the philosophy of Stor, an attack struck at the most vital point of the foe. That if it does not annihilate the foe. Must be strong enough to give them no time to recover before the next lands. Often the Pryndraconic Code illudes to pneumatic hammers or the sea to illustrate the subtle variations within Stor. With the Sons of Avalon's gifts at foresight, more than one battle has been ended by a sudden, unstoppable stroke.

Stor is not without flaws. Something even the Pryndracis acknowledges within the code. If Stor is lost, often the Sons of Avalon will find themselves cut off and surrounded. Their assault trapped deep behind enemy lines. Stor is not suited to long drawn-out campaigns as it can have a high casualty rate. Though it's far from the only tactic covered by the Pryndraconic Code and the Sons of Avalon still employ the Codex Astartes.

The code also outlines tactics and ways of conduct it deems dishonourable. These dishonourable tactics are seen as beneath the ideals the chapter aspires to. The practicalities of war, force that sometimes these dishonourable tactics must be employed. A fact even the Pryndraconic Code acknowledges. For there are few greater dishonours than defeat. When the Sons of Avalon must employ these tactics to win. They will deploy the 10th company, known as the Black Knights. Warriors without honour.


Though the Sons of Avalon mostly follow the codex they do deviate from it notably in a few areas. Chiefly they have no scout company. Neophytes are instead assigned to act as the squires of fully-fledged Astartes. A squire will learn everything from their mentor. Often squires will be formed into scout squads and used as the codex advises. More often than not though they will stand with their mentor on the battlefield. Fighting by their side. When a squire has proved himself worthy to his mentor he will be raised to the full ranks of the Adeptus Astartes. Usually joining the same company as his mentor.

The Chapter only maintains four reserve companies, the most prominent being the 1st and 9th. The 1st is also the Chapter's veterans, known as the Hearthguard. They are permanently stationed to defend the Chapter's homeworld. Under their care, no foe in the Chapter's history has landed on its surface. While the 9th is permanently stationed on Llun. Llun's crust is teeming with rare materials and strange artefacts. The Mechanicus has been allowed to establish a large outpost on the moon, to investigate and harvest these resources. In return for this, the Mechanicus provides the Sons of Avalon with many fine blades. All forged from the rare materials found on Llun. The Astartes of the 9th company paint their left arm red as a sign of respect to the Mechanicus. The remaining two reserve companies serve their purpose as the codex intended, though they will rarely have neophytes assigned to their warriors.

The standard Sons of Avalon battle company structure differs slightly from the codex. Favouring bikes over jump packs and forming veteran squads within their battle companies. Their squads, often called fellowships are led by a Sergeant elected by the squad and confirmed by the company's Knight-Captain. This is usually a knight who has earned their colours. To earn one's colours in the Sons is to perform an act of peerless heroism in the eyes of the Oathkeepers. That heroic knight will then be granted a surname and heraldry reflecting that deed. E.g. A knight who slew a powerful enemy sorcerer in single combat might earn the name Witacwellend and heraldry depicting a sword bisecting a lightning bolt. These heraldries will change as a knight's legend grows, adding elements to reflect their heroic deeds. Their surname will only ever change should they perform a deed of valour that redefines their legend. These storied knights are the Chapter's veterans and within battle companies should no sergeants be needed are often formed into squads. The Sons of Avalon often find themselves with a lot of veterans in battle companies but also high casualty rates. Due to glory-hungry fresh initiates throwing themselves into the jaws of doom at a chance to earn their colours. It is only due to their gifts of foresight that they can maintain their ranks.

Paladins & Oathkeepers

The Apothecaries of the chapter are referred to as the Paladins of the Helix. Each has sworn an oath to prioritise the safety of their brothers and the sanctity of the chapter above all else. To exemplify this oath the Paladins of the Helix each carry a shield into battle.   The Oathkeepers or Chaplains of the Chapter are tasked with a great many duties in the Chapter. Their first and foremost being the interpretations of the Pryndracis' Code. Ensuring the Chapter maintains its oaths and conducts itself honourably.

The Hearthguard

Heoryrde, in the old tongue. The Hearthguard are the elite heavy knights of the chapter and form its 1st company. Hand-picked by the Knight-Commander from the finest veterans of the chapter, these are warriors without peer. Each is clad in suits of venerable terminator armour and wields the finest weapons from Llun. They are permanently stationed on Albatanica, guarding Ar-lic, their watch only interrupted in the direst circumstances. When a task must be completed with no chance of failure, the Hearthguard are deployed. Often guarding key members of the chapter or being attached to a company to perform a vital mission. On more than one occasion, the entire Hearthguard has had to be deployed to combat a threat. Leaving behind a single member, known as the Anhyrde or Lone Watcher. The Anhyrde stays behind so that their oath to guard the world is never forsaken. So dire are the circumstances that warrant the full strength of the Hearthguard. Often only the Anhyrde remains after to rebuild the Chapter's elite. When deployed en mass the Hearthguard are the epitome of Stor. Teleporting onto the battlefield, inches from the foe. They come charging forth from the lighting. Smashing aside the foe with their shields and crushing them with their warhammers.

The Black Knights

Sometimes called the Arlempa, a curse in the Sons of Avalon native tongue. The 10th company or the Black Knights are almost a punishment company. Warriors who have been found to be dishonourable in combat or failed to fulfil an oath are sent to the 10th. They're stripped of any honours they have earned and are forced to don the black armour of the Arlempa. Yet not every member of the Black Knights is on censure, some volunteer to join their ranks. These are usually brothers who do not fit in with their fellow knights. Many find the tenets of the code too restrictive. Despite their dishonourable nature, the creation of the Arlempa was decreed by the Pryndracis himself. The Pryndracis wrote of the need to temper the virtues of the Sons of Avalon so that they never fail to achieve victory. There's no greater dishonour than defeat. This runs counter to every other teaching of the Pryndracis. Many have claimed this section of the code to have been penned by another hand. Yet still none can deny the necessity of the Black Knights, even if they are shunned for it.

The Black Knights have been key to numerous victories of the Sons of Avalon. Whether from assassinating key targets, spreading fear and dissent amongst the enemy or even being willing to sacrifice the innocent. It is for this reason that a Black Knight can never earn heraldry and their deeds are never chronicled. Lest their dishonour taints the chapter.


Recruitment of fresh aspirants is overseen by the Oathkeepers of the chapter. Chaplains collect a tithe of boys from each of the noble houses of Albatanica. Usually only taking the house's second son. Nobles see this as a great honour that their children are conscripted into the Sons of Avalon. Noble houses that offer the most successful aspirants are usually favoured by their Astartes Dukes. Some of these Dukes are even relatives of these houses. Many noble families have taken to siring as many boys as possible. Training them from birth to undergo the trials. Though inevitably most fail the trials. In times of need the chapter will take all the boys of a house. Leaving some families with nothing but female heirs for decades.

The Sons don't just accept aspirants from the nobility of their world but also the rest of the populace. Every peasant from birth is told the tales of valour from the Son's chronicles and priests preach that there is no higher honour than joining one of the Emperor's angels. Most boys will attempt to join the Chapter at some point and much like the nobility most fail.

Any aspirant wishing to join or who has been selected to join the Sons of Avalon must undergo a series of trials. Each one tests an ideal of the chapter as laid down the Pryndrach himself. Each of these trials is deadly and tests a hopeful to the extreme. The Chaplains and Mystics watch these aspirants closely as they take these trails. Seeking signs of any prophesied heroes or those who lack the spiritual purity of the Pryndracis.

The final trail though is the deadliest. Assembled into groups of five, aspirants are sent into a section of the Labyrinth of Heroes. Into an area known as the Chamber of Adoubement. This area of the labyrinth is filled with monsters, beasts, and deadly traps. Aspirants must work together, should they ever wish to escape this deadly warren. The few who make it through this final trial and survive implantation are given the privilege of becoming squires.

“Upon my honour I hereby pledge myself to the service of the God Emperor of Mankind and of my people, to the righting of wrongs, to the driving-out of evil, to the bringing of peace and plenty to my land...”
— A line from the Oath of Adoubement.


Honourable to a fault, the Sons of Avalon value honour above all else. Their idea of honour stems from the time of the Chapter's founding when a semi-mythical figure known simply as the Pryndracis wrote The Pryndraconic Code. This code took much of the existing values of Albatanic culture and merged it with the Prydracis' personal philosophy. The Sons of Avalon cling to this code as the central thesis for their culture and Chapter, it is utterly sacred to them, on par with the Emperor of Mankind.   So obsessed is the chapter with this concept of honour. That they will go so far as to stride from cover and abandon ambushing positions to engage the foe eye to eye. It is not unknown for a warrior to be taunted from his post and to challenge his insulter to single combat. It is a fool who picks a duel with a Son of Avalon lightly. Every brother must learn to duel like the Pryndracis himself. For it is in these duels that glory and veterancy is most often won. Veterancy is not a matter of time or solemn duty within the Sons of Avalon, it is a reward for exceptional heroism. Once a warrior has performed a suitable act of heroism as deemed by their Knight-Captain they are rewarded with a sername and heraldry based upon that act. As time goes on a warrior earns more honours and glory so his heraldry will change to reflect that. Some of the most seasoned warriors of the chapters have heraldry so intricate that it covers their whole shoulder pad. This heraldry is normally worn into battle on a small tilt shield mounted onto their armour. For example, a marine who slays a powerful enemy psyker in single combat may earn the surname Magacwylmd and heraldry depicting a sword bisecting a lightning bolt.   Part of this honour-obsessed mentality of the Sons of Avalon is maintaining oaths. Oaths are of great significance to the Sons of Avalon and failing to fulfil them is seen as a great stain on the swearer's honour. Something no Son of Avalon could abide. This has led to dire situations for the Sons of Avalon. Where a Knight-Captain or other high-ranking astartes has sworn upon the honour of the Chapter or company to perform some act. The Sons of Avalon will then sacrifice whatever it takes to fulfil that oath to preserve their honour. Lest the entire company or Chapter be damned in their own eyes. One of the most enduring oaths ever sworn upon the Chapter's honour was an oath by the Pryndracis. He swore to protect the natural beauty of Albatanica. This oath is believed to be the second oldest oath in the Chapter's history, the oldest is said to be kept within the Tome of the Pryndracis.   To maintain their oath to the planet the Sons of Avalon tend to the wilds of Albatanica. This has led to large gardens being tended and maintained within the Chapter Monastery. The maintenance of which, tends to fall to aspirants who failed the trials to join the chapter. The Sons of Avalon tend to do more than just the grounds of the chapter monastery. They also maintain the environment of the entire planet to the point that all industry has been banned from the planet. Instead, all their needed industry has been exported to their planet's moon Llun. Giving Llun a hazy yellow glow in the night sky. It is a core part of the Sons of Avalon philosophy that they view themselves as the caretakers of the planet. They lead hunts to kill animals that become too numerous and control the expansion of agriculture on the planet to preserve the forests.   Yet it is from these forests comes one of the Sons of Avalon most frowned upon beliefs, the fae. The fae are mysterious creatures in Albatanic myth. They're tricksters and violent. Said to kill anyone who sees them. Yet often in tales, they will be depicted as benevolent. Stories of woodsmen trapped under fallen trees or hunters cornered by beasts being rescued from peril or healed from the brink of death. These stories are told by the inhabitants of Albatanica usually as fables with a direct morale told at the end. Many have spawned superstitions that have permeated into the ranks of the Sons of Avalon. Even the mighty Astartes will hesitate before stepping past a certain breed of mushroom on Albatanica or leave small offerings of silver deep within the woods before leaving on a campaign. The worship of the fae has been directly decreed heretical by the ecclesiarchy. The Sons of Avalon have officially banned their worship but have taken no real action to suppress it. However, the stories of the fae are not the only ones told on Albatanica.   Even before the coming of the Sons of Avalon the people of Albatanica loved stories. A long-standing tradition is that in the depths of winter, families would gather together. Telling tales as they huddled together for warmth. Most nobles on Albatanica would keep in their employ several storytellers, poets or theatre troupes. A tradition the Sons of Avalon as the new Dukes and knights of the world were expected to maintain. This tradition would not truly be embraced until the disappearance of the Pryndracis. Every Knight-Brother is assigned a mortal aide upon his ascension, this aide becomes his chronicler. Their chronicler will record their entire life and deeds within the confines of a leather-bound tome. The tome's cover will often feature the marine's heraldry, should they earn one. This love of storytelling permeated the chapter to such an extent that the Sons of Avalon would begin to seek out the tales of other Chapters and Heroes of the Imperium recording them in the Athenaeum. When a marine is slain their book is stored in the Athenaeum, a great library within the Fortress Monastery. It is the duty of the Chapter's Librarians, known as Knight-Mystics to guard and tend to this vast store of knowledge. If the slain marine was a veteran their heraldry is taken down into the Labyrinth of Heroes and hung on the wall.


Founded in M34 to help protect and hold Imperial Space near the Veiled Stars. The Sons of Avalon's primary duty was to aid in the protection from Freebootas and Necrons that attacked the region. Their progenitor is lost to time though many suggest the Imperial Fists or Dark Angels. The chapter’s first Chapter Master was the Pryndracis, it is from him the Chapter began to derive its chivalric demeanour. A warrior of much renown not only for his skill but for his zealous devotion to honour. The founding of the Chapter is mostly the stuff of legend.

The legends of the chapter's founding range from the fantastical to the bizarre. The peasantry believes the chapter was founded by the Emperor himself. They also hold that the Sons of Avalon's superhuman abilities are gained from sacred swords, hidden within the Labyrinth. What is known for certain about their founding is that the Pryndracis and 100 other veterans of their progenitors landed on Albatanica. They were however not greeted by loyal Imperial governance. Albatanica had been left to its own devices for thousands of years, being a minor spec on the edge of the Imperium. Thus Pryndracis' arrival posed the first permanent Imperial presence on the planet since the Great Crusade. The feudal world’s nobles were at first reluctant to submit to Imperial rule. Hoping for an easy transition the Pryndracis took advantage of an ancient tradition, The Duel of Champions. Where two champions would fight in the place of armies. Those feudal lords who accepted were quickly beaten by the Pryndracis and those who refused had their armies and bloodline exterminated by the 100. Each duel brought a swathe of land under Pryndracis' control. Until finally the planet was brought back into the Imperium.

Though perhaps the most persistent legend from the time of the Pryndracis is spoken only in whispers. Passed from parent to child, despite its telling having been forbidden by the Chapter. The story of the day the Pryndracis met the fae. The Pryndracis spoke and duelled with a fae prince for the fate of Albatanica. In some versions of the tale the Pryndracis slew the fae and in some the fae reveals themself to be the Emperor in disguise. The truth is said to be sealed away in the Tome of the Pryndracis, deep in the Labyrinth of Heroes.

Records past the time of the Pryndracis begin to become much clearer. A long list of victories and honours, a tapestry of heroes recorded in leatherbound tomes and illuminated text. The Sons of Avalon have served in countless conflicts across the Imperium, even coming to the aid of the vaunted Crimson Fists during the Ork assault on Ryn's World.

In recent years the Sons of Avalon have suffered a great tragedy. Known as the Great Reforging the entire Sons of Avalon Chapter was put through the Rites of Calgar, losing nearly half the Chapter in the process. The medical data recorded from the Great Reforging has been invaluable to the Imperium. Allowing many heroes of the Imperium to cross the Rubicon Primaris safely. The Great Reforging remains a controversial decision and now the halls of Ar-lic ring with whispers of removing Knight-Commander Utherdane from his position as Chapter Master.

Notable Events

M39 The Tragedy of Dantallion Gorge - The Sons of Avalon 6th Company were wiped out completely in a devastating ambush by the Order of the Opal Mask. For years the Sons of Avalon had been attempting to hunt down the renegade Inquisitor Karyoz. This Inquisitor had fallen under the sway of the ruinous powers and deceived the Order of the Opal Mask into aiding him. Showing them heretical evidence of the Sons of Avalon collaborating with Xenos. The Order of the Opal Mask campaigned with the 6th, assassinating their Knight-Mystics in secret. Then telling them that they would draw the enemy forces attention in a diversionary attack. While the Sons of Avalon flanked through Dantallion Gorge. Knight-Captain Theodoric Sturmbrecan was hesitant to move his forces through such terrain but Cannoness Marthi swore upon her honour the company would pass through the gorge unscathed. The Order of the Opal Mask then unleashed an ambush on the Sons of Avalon column. Utterly annihilating the company. Cannoness Marthi ordered their heraldry, tomes, and bodies burned. Later the treachery of Inquisitor Karyoz would be uncovered by the Order of the Opal Mask. The Order was cleared of any guilt and declared free of taint by the Inquisition. Yet one night their convent was attacked. No one saw the attackers, nor could any evidence of the attack be found bar one thing. Cannoness Marthi and every single sister who participated in the ambush were found impaled. Their bodies were nailed to the statue of their saint. With the words 'Upon my Honour' written in their blood at the base of the statue. The Sons of Avalon and the Order of the Opal Mask have never taken the same field of battle since.   M41 Massacre at Scrap Hill

"For the Honour of the Emperor"

Founding Chapter
13th Founding
Black, Red and Sky Blue
Chapter Master
Utherdane Pryndrach
Founding Date
M35 to M36, records have been lost
Alternative Names
The Knights of Avalon, The Knights of the Emperor
Controlled Territories

Character flag image: by Thibault Ollier


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