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Quaddrit Majoris

Quaddrit Majoris is a dead and twisted world, where lava flows across the planet and its surfaces are scorched black by solar radiation. Its vast surface is lifeless save but for a single domed city. This sole city is named Holy Quaddrit and was once a shrine to the God-Emperor of Mankind, erected to mark the edge of his holy influence. It has long since fallen to the powers of the Dark Gods and a once splendid city has fallen to perversion, rot, corruption and death. Yet more terrifying than this monument to the Imperium's waning power is the towering tomb spire of the Necron Tomb, raised from below the earth by Solainuis this spire was once a monument to the ancient Necrontyr gods. it rises resplendent over the dead world, the seat of power for a new empire.


Quaddrit Majoris was once a Shrine World of the Imperium erected by the ecclesiarchy to mark the edge of the Imperium's domain in M33. Left alone by the greater Imperium for millennia its sole city Quaddrit fell to a Chaos insurrection. Little to no information is known about this heretical uprising but that it was bloody and swift, the loyalist forces being quickly wiped out.   In M42.20 the planet fell to the relentless assault of the The Solainanis Dynasty, this assault was heralded by huge seismic activity as the giant tomb spire of the tomb complex rose out of the earth. From its base marched legions of Necrons advancing in lockstep. Unlike any other Tomb World, this one had awoken all at once. The siege of Holy Quaddrit was short as an entire Tomb World's worth of forces quickly overwhelmed the divided cults that held the city. The survivors were rounded up and their demonic overlords enslaved. The world now belonged to Solainanis.
Chaos, Necrons
Volcanic World, Tomb World, (formerly) Shrine World 


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