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The Solainanis Dynasty


At the surface level, the Solananis Dynasty is no different from any other Dynasty in terms of structure. The bodies of different Necron forms still operate and function seemingly as they should. Yet there's no rank, there are no orders ever being given. Every Necron simple marches in lockstep, completely in unison. The most notable difference though is that this world has no destroyers and no flayed ones. It instead uses masses of Warriors and Lychguard, though beyond the wargear they carry there's little difference between them. The only things that act seemingly independent of Solainanis' will are the canoptek constructs, who follow their usual command protocols but these constructs are few and far between.   Encapsulated within this Dynastic system are the flesh and blood citizens of the Solainanis Dynasty. Solainanis hands out ranks to these mortals as he sees fit and has even enslaved some Daemons, binding them to this plane and his will with ancient Necron artefacts. These cultists are most commonly of the warrior rank and are still organised by cults and the gods they worship but the religion is very separate from the bureaucracy of Solainanis' empire. It has also been drilled into these worshipers that not even Gods can stand up to Solainanis, a fact demonstrated nicely by the enslaved daemons and C'tan within the Tomb.


Before biotransference the Solainanis Dynasty didn't exist, instead the planet of Quaddrit Majoris was under the Elusavile Dynasty. Yet when the populace of the Elusavile Dynasty was fed into the Great Machine, something broke inside the arcane construct at the centre: a lone Necrontyr, a low-ranking peasant named Solainanis. The C'tan saw this malfunction but did not tell Szarehk, taking this opportunity to feast upon an entire dynasty's worth of souls. To hide this deception they allowed the soul of Solainanis to be distributed across the metal bodies intended for all of the Elusavile Dynasty. This process spread Solainanis' mind across noble and warrior circuits alike giving them huge computational power, and expanding their intellect dramatically. The trauma of this process was too much though and Solainanis and by extension, the bodies of the entire Dynasty were cast into a psychically induced coma. The Dynasty's bodies were entombed on Quaddrit Majoris, a sacred world to the Necrontyr by the agents of the Silent King as penance for his sins.   So the Tomb World of Quaddrit Majoris remained silent for millennia until something changed in M42.20 when Solainanis awoke. Solainanis quickly subjected the chaos-worshipping populace of the Tomb World's surface. Unusually though Solainanis chose to integrate them into his society, establishing them as fully-fledged citizens of the old Necrontyr Empire, free to worship their dark gods. Now Solainanis seeks to expand their dominion over the galaxy.
Quaddrit Majoris 
Red and Bronze
Awakening Date


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