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The Siege of Virox Hive

One of the most famous exploits of Artorius is the Siege of Virox Hive. The Hive was the last loyal hive on Andrasta V which had fallen to rebellion. A rebellion the Sons of Avalon had foreseen and had sent the 2nd Company to prevent. The 2nd Company however had been delayed in the warp. In a desperate bid to hold this world, the 2nd Company immediately deployed from orbit into the Hive and began a gruelling urban campaign against the rebels. Quickly the rebel army was forced back and siege lines were drawn within the Hive. The Sons of Avalon were spread sparsely through the loyalist lines and they could only do so much to assist the beleaguered pdf. Any attack by the rebel army would quickly find itself met by a perfect countercharge from the Sons of Avalon. The siege dragged out and though the Sons of Avalon suffered few casualties, the civilians whose homes had quickly become the battleground suffered immensely. It was on one day, immortalised forever in local records as “The Day of Weeping.”
Several sections of the embattled Hive collapsed, the total civilian casualties were never calculated as it was deemed too taxing for the Adeptus Administratum. What is known is that Artorius was found at the heart of this collapse, his armour battered and his head hung as he stood over a grave. It was after this event that he made his legendary proclamation. “Not one more civilian would die in this war.” He swore this oath, over every vox network, upon the honour of the chapter. In the following days the rebel army would be driven screaming from the Hive as a gleaming stampede of bright blue ceramite crashed down upon them. A hundred legends were said to have been written in the aftermath as stories of Astartes jumping in front of stray ordnance bound for civilian homes circled. Many a knight of the emperor was found dead, his armour riddled with grievous wounds, his body shielding civilians who had been caught in the crossfire. By the end of the war the Sons of Avalon 2nd company had suffered grievous casualties but Artorius’ oath had been held true.   Strangely this deed does not appear in Artorius' own legend, nor in the works of any Sons of Avalon chronicler. The only record of it from the Chapter is a note in the ledgers of the Reclusiam. It details a full report of the war and ends with an official disciplinary citation by Oathkeeper Leofwine, calling for Artorius' removal as Knight-Captain of the 2nd.
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Sons of Avalon Victory


The Free People's Army of Kolosus

Led by

The Sons of Avalon 2nd Company

Led by


Approx 14 Million troopers.
Approx 8 Million support vehicles, tanks and artillery assets.
A full-strength company of Astartes and support elements.
The remnants of Hive Virox's PDF approx 2 million troopers.


9.8 Million troopers.
Approx 6 Million vehicle assets.
48 Battle Brothers
1 Dreadnought
Numerous support vehicles


The liberation of their planet.
To capture of Hive Virox.
The destruction of the rebel army.
Kolosus VIII brought back under Imperial rule


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