Merovech Proudbottom Character in Kadour | World Anvil

Thain Merovech Proudbottom (a.k.a. Merovech the Just)

Merovech Proudbottom is a charismatic and eloquent halfling, standing at only three feet tall but with a presence that commands attention. He has a head of curly brown hair and a thick, bushy beard that he takes great pride in grooming. His bright blue eyes sparkle with intelligence and determination, and his easy smile puts people at ease.   As Thain of Stormfront, Merovech is the leader of his people and is dedicated to protecting and defending their rights and interests. He is a skilled diplomat, able to navigate the complex politics of Stormfront and mediate between the different factions. He is known for his ability to make fair and just decisions, and his people trust him to always put their needs first.   In battle, Merovech is a formidable fighter, wielding a short sword and shield with precision and agility. He is also an accomplished archer, able to shoot arrows with deadly accuracy. Despite his small size, he is fearless and unafraid to charge into battle alongside his people, earning him the respect and admiration of all.   In his free time, Merovech enjoys playing the lute and singing traditional halfling songs. He is also an avid cook and is known for his delicious pies and pastries. He has a loving wife and three children, and they are often seen together at community events and festivals.   Overall, Merovech Proudbottom is a beloved leader, a skilled warrior, and a devoted husband and father. He is the embodiment of the halfling spirit, fiercely loyal to his people and dedicated to ensuring their prosperity and happiness.

Personality Characteristics


He has a deep emotional bond with the people of Stormfront, especially those who are less fortunate. He has a strong sense of loyalty to his family and will do anything to protect them.

Virtues & Personality perks

Duty: Merovech believes in fulfilling his duty to protect and serve his people, no matter the cost. Fairness: He always tries to be fair and just in his dealings with others. Respect: Merovech respects the traditions of his people and endeavors to protect them at all costs.

Vices & Personality flaws

He can be a bit stubborn at times, sometimes refusing to listen to the advice of others His pride may lead him to make hasty or impulsive decisions. He has a tendency to be overly critical of others who fail to meet his high standards.
Merovech Proudbottom NPC Profile
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Thain of Stormfront
Date of Birth
8th of Moonrise
Year of Birth
279 AoU 76 Years old
Sharp, Innocent face
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Smooth, pockmarked, golden skin
Aligned Organization

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