Storough Settlement in Kadour | World Anvil

Storough (Store Row)

Storough is a small town located northwest of Autumnpass in the state of Stormfront. The town is situated at the base of a large hill, surrounded by lush green forests and rolling hills. The town is far from the coast and the bustling port city of Viorough and Autumnpass, and it has a more secluded and rural feel.   The town has a small population, mostly consisting of humans and halflings, who are known for their hardworking and friendly nature. The town's economy is based on agriculture, with many of the town's inhabitants being farmers and ranchers. They are known for their excellent produce and livestock, particularly for the quality of its dairy products, such as cheese and butter.   The town is also home to a small but skilled community of artisans and craftspeople who create a variety of handcrafted goods, such as furniture, pottery, and textiles. The town is known for its simple but elegant woodwork and ceramics, many of which are sold in the markets of Viorough and Autumnpass.   Storough has a strong sense of community, and it is known for its friendly and welcoming residents who are always eager to help newcomers. The town is also home to a small but well-maintained temple dedicated to the worship of the deity of agriculture, where the community gathers to give thanks for the bountiful harvest.   Overall, Storough is a peaceful and idyllic small town, far from the hustle and bustle of the larger cities. It's known for its strong community bond, skilled artisans and farmers, and the quality of its produce and handcrafted goods. The town is a vital part of the state of Stormfront, providing food and other resources to the region.
Storough Stormfront City Map
15 miles from Freeridryld
23 miles from Autumnpass
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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