Stannor's Tarot Building / Landmark in Kadour | World Anvil

Stannor's Tarot

Upon entering Stannor's Tarot, the sweet scent of herbs and spices fills the air, creating a warm and inviting ambiance. The walls are lined with shelves, each one stacked with intricate boxes, jars, and vials containing various potions and elixirs. A display case in the center of the room holds a collection of gleaming crystal balls, tarot cards, and other divination tools.   The enchanter, Stannor, is often found sitting behind the counter, carefully studying ancient tomes and scrolls. He is a wise and experienced wizard, who has spent many years mastering the art of enchantment. He is always happy to share his knowledge and advice with those who seek it.   As you make your way through the shop, you will find many unique and fascinating items. A sword that glows in the presence of danger, a cloak that makes the wearer invisible, a ring that grants the power of teleportation. Each item is imbued with powerful magic and has been crafted with great care and attention to detail.   In the back of the shop, there is a small room that serves as Stannor's workshop. Here, he creates and imbues many of the items sold in the shop. The room is filled with strange and mysterious tools, ingredients and potions. The walls are covered in ancient symbols, runes and incantations. The air is thick with the smell of burning candles and incense.   Stannor's Tarot is a place where dreams and magic come alive, a place where one can find a touch of enchantment in their everyday life. It's a must-see destination for anyone who is intrigued by the world of high fantasy and magic.


  • Dust of Dryness (dmg 166) (117 gp)
  • Eyes of Charming (dmg 168) (2,866 gp)
  • Circlet of Blasting (dmg 158) (1,489 gp)
Shop, Magic
Parent Location

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