Giraskon, Goddess of Time

Giraskon, the fallen goddess of time, was once a powerful and revered figure in the pantheon of deities. As the wife of Xero, God of Fate, she was responsible for overseeing the flow of time and ensuring that the past, present, and future all unfolded as they were meant to.   Giraskon unprompted - joined the ranks of the corrupted gods. Unlike many of her fellow fallen deities, however, Giraskon was not corrupted by another god or goddess. Her fall from grace remains a mystery to this day, and many speculate about what could have caused her to turn away from the divine realm.   Some say that Giraskon was consumed by her own power, and that her obsession with the flow of time led her to embrace darkness and corruption. Others believe that she was driven to join the ranks of the corrupted gods out of a desire for revenge, perhaps against Xero, God of Fate or against the other deities who failed to recognize her true worth.   Despite the mystery surrounding her fall from grace, Giraskon remains a formidable figure in the world of the corrupted gods. She wields powerful magic related to the manipulation of time and is said to be capable of seeing into the past, present, and future with unparalleled clarity. Her followers believe that she can grant them great insight into the workings of the universe, and that her blessings can help them manipulate time to their advantage.


Giraskon, Goddess of Time


Towards Xero, God of Fate


Xero, God of Fate


Towards Giraskon, Goddess of Time


Xero, God of Fate (Husband)