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Darron, Old Deus of Strategy, Games, and Politics

"Society, Security, and Justice are not given. They are made by the words we say, the strength we display, and the people we choose. As Arisen, we must choose carefully, lest the work of millennia be turned to ash."

  — Darron, Old Deus of Strategy, Games, and Politics
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Darron is the Old Deus of Strategy, Games, and Politics, and a near-constant supporter of humanity and its endeavors. A philosophically minded deity, Darron spends a majority of his time in silent contemplation or in calm debates, playing the game of politics masterfully, as his domain demands. He is so convincing, so resolute in his beliefs that members of the Betrayer faction often avoid speaking when he stands, outright refusing to engage with him in verbal spars lest they be completely embarrassed. This is not to say he is unbeatable in debates and exchanges, far from it. He merely chooses his battles so wisely that when he decides to stand or speak, it is likely something he has mulled over for so long beforehand that his arguments have become refined to a point.   Darron was born a human, and rose to the status he holds today by contracting with an Arisen who once held his domains. For unknown reasons, that Arisen handed his domains to Darron freely, willingly losing his power to enhance his pupil. It is unknown exactly how this occurred.   Regardless of this, Darron chooses who he stands for carefully. When he stands for anyone, it is because he believes that no other option will even challenge him, and that he is certain to also be chosen by that person. To call him a micromanager is incorrect; a nanomanager would be most appropriate. He chooses his battles so carefully that he will not stand unless he is certain of victory.  


Darron appears as a middle-aged man with medium-length hair. His face bears a scar from battles during his mortal life, and he is never seen without his ornate red armor, which bears depictions of wolfpacks and warriors. He speaks in a calm and ordered fashion, holding an even tone in even the most unexpected of events. His eyes and face remain unreadable no matter the circumstance, even to other Arisen.   Despite all of this, when speaking to followers or allies, he speaks kindly, even making jokes and sarcastic remarks. His face becomes readable, and he reveals his gentle and kind nature which is often hidden behind his stern and stoic form.  


Darron is often disliked by the more emotional and explosive of Arisen, as his calm and ordered nature often leads them to think him annoying or boring. This is not incorrect; he is something of a "by the books" person. Still, he only holds ire for the more chaotic or reckless gods, who he often secretly calls petulant children.   He holds a special level of disdain for Aona. Perhaps it is the fact that both are mortals made deity, or perhaps it is their stern and stoic nature. Either way, they rarely see eye to eye on any matter.   He does hold allies within the Adamantian Court, such as Elion, due to their mutual love of humanity.  

Commandments of Darron:

  • Be practical. Never overestimate or overextend. Know your limits and act accordingly.
  • Play your cards correctly. Never allow the opponent to read your hand before it is certain to crush them.
  • Understand your enemy. Know your weaknesses. Seek to know the battle and the war before you start it.


Lucifer, One Above the Cycle


Towards Darron, Old Deus of Strategy, Games, and Politics



Darron, Old Deus of Strategy, Games, and Politics


Towards Lucifer, One Above the Cycle



Darron, Old Deus of Strategy, Games, and Politics


Towards Aona, Lady of Retribution and Loyalty



Aona, Lady of Retribution and Loyalty


Towards Darron, Old Deus of Strategy, Games, and Politics



  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Category: Old Deus
  • Domain: Strategy, Games, Politics
  • Pantheon: Adamantian
  • Symbol: A sickle, otherwise known as a Reaping Scythe
darron's symbol

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