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Lucifer, One Above the Cycle

"You must choose to follow your will and tread the path of thorns... Like many before you. Only in doing so will your true adversary appear. You must stay strong, hold to your ability to make a decision. Your freedom will carve a path you desire."
— Lucifer, One Above the Cycle
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Lucifer, otherwise known by the names Chaos King, Morning Star, and One Above the Cycle, is an unknown, unidentified, and unrestrained figure from an unknown place, wielding immense power beyond the Adamantian Court. As such, he oft spends his time traveling between planes, interacting with things that intrigue him, and sometimes subtly guiding the denizens to achieve a goal he desires them to, or towards a goal they desire   Lucifer does not grant power to adventurers for them to do his bidding, or to carry his ideals. Instead, he seeks to grant them power for nothing more than to assist their endeavors. He will also often provide them with advice, usually advising them to make their own decisions, and forge their own paths.   Lucifer will stand for an adventurer who can make decisions in difficult situations, who show no hesitance to choose their path. He also stands for people who have lost greatly, seeking to rebuild them, and for those who value the freedom of others, or of themselves.


Lucifer is most commonly seen as a large, six-winged demonic figure, with black, mottled skin, large pale horns, and a single white cloth, meant to symbolize his divinity and transcendency. However, he is also known to appear in multiple different forms, all to suit the needs of the situation at hand. In some, he is a sharply dressed man with long, golden hair. In others, he is an angelic figure with six pale feathered wings. yet still, he has appeared as a woman, a child, or an elderly man.   When appearing before someone in the Adamantian Court, he will often choose to appear as what best suits their interests. However, he still prefers his well-dressed human form.


Most deities within the Adamantine court treat Lucifer with a level of distance, primarily due to how little is known about him. Still, he often comments quite unnecessarily on things, which will irk some of the other court deities. He, however, goes out of his way to at least attempt a positive relationship with other deities.   His most notable relationships are his affinity for Elion and Darron. He views the former as an idealist, not too dissimilar to his younger self, in his own words, and the latter as a worthy ally. They can often be found playing chess, should one visit Adamantis.   He is strongly opposed to most Old Deus, and members of the court who wish to subjugate or force their will onto others. Most notably, he despises Sraosha for keeping "pets".

Commandments of Lucifer:

  • Be free. Follow your own choices, and never doubt yourself. Do take time to reflect, though, and understand what great power free will bestows upon you.
  • Help your fellow man make choices. Never allow them to be subjugated or bent to another's whims. Let them see the path they are meant to take.
  • Do not shy from ordeals. Embrace hardship. Know that it will forge you like iron, if only you carry the strength of will to endure.


Lucifer, One Above the Cycle


Towards Darron, Old Deus of Strategy, Games, and Politics



Darron, Old Deus of Strategy, Games, and Politics


Towards Lucifer, One Above the Cycle



  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Category: Unknown
  • Domains: Freedom, Choice, and Dreams
  • Pantheon: Adamantian
  • Symbol: Eight-Pointed Star
Lucifer's Symbol

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