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Nagaroth, Old Deus of War and Destruction

"Stood in firelight, sweltering. Bloodstain on chest like map of violent new continent. Felt cleansed. Felt dark planet turn under my feet and knew what cats know that makes them scream like babies in night. Looked at sky through smoke heavy with human fat and no deity was there. The cold, suffocating dark goes on forever and we are alone. Live our lives, lacking anything better to do. Devise reason later. Born from oblivion; bear children, hell-bound as ourselves, go into oblivion. There is nothing else."
  — Nagaroth, the Old Deus of War and Destruction    
Click Here to listen to this Arisen's theme song.

Nagaroth is the most "powerful" Arisen in the Adamantis court by strength. His raw power is unrivaled by any of the other Arisen. He has only been bested or equaled thrice in combat. Bested once by Elegad, Old Deus of Honor, Justice, Family and Unity, equaled once by Darron, Old Deus of Strategy, Games, and Politics (he refuses to speak of the first; of the second, he has called Darron a trickster and a cheat) and utterly defeated by Almeric, Old Deus of Creation. He revels in battle, and as such will often watch over his followers as they fight. However, he refuses to step in or help directly any of his followers, as he believes that would sow weakness.   Despite being one of the The Big Twelve, Nagaroth does not lord over his own plane. Instead, he resides in Onios, the first layer of Hades; one of the eternal battlefields of the Blood War. He sits in a dark iron throne within a fortress that is considered unsiegable. This data was achieved after recording figures from the hoards of demons that assault his fortress daily, and crash against its iron walls.   Many have questioned Nagaroth's presence in the court; he represents widely hated things, those being warfare, wrath, and rage. Some scholars have posited that he is best restrained in the court; in a sense, the best way to restrain such things is the rule of calm, established law. Almeric has stated a different reason. Nagaroth represents negative traits, but he also represents positive ones, such as courage, righteous fury, and unbreakable will.


Not many outside the Adamantis court have lain eyes on Nagaroth, outside of his most powerful followers. He has been described as a Titan of Dark Iron with unspeakable skulls adorning his frame as trophies. His thirst for blood is also said to be so potent, it surrounds him like a sickening red aura. He wields a massive gnarled axe that none but Elegad, Old Deus of Honor, Justice, Family, and UnityDarron, Old Deus of Strategy, Games, and Politics, and Almeric, Old Deus of Creation have seen him use.


Nagaroth only has one person he outwardly hates and that is Flyn, Forbidden God of Fire. Despite not having any of the typical traits Nagaroth despises, the only thing keeping him from attacking Flyn is their shared Arisenhood. Typically, Nagaroth dislikes mages and those who use magic, and despises people who fight from the shadows (as he considers both cowardly).

Commandments of Nagaroth:

  • Hatred is the most righteous of emotions. Use it to increase your strength, and to show no mercy.
  • There is no such thing as sin; only power, and those foolish enough not to take it for themselves.
  • When you die, die standing. To die running is the most foolhardy you can be.
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Category: Old Deus
  • Domains: War and Destruction
  • Pantheon: Adamantian
  • Symbol: The Skull Throne
Nagaroth's Symbol

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