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The Unknowable, Weaver of Fate, Prime Mover (a.k.a. The Underlying, The Silent Anthropic, The Between)


Power: 5/5 (Cosmic, interwoven with reality)

Interest: 2/5 (Mostly concerned with divine matters)

Passion: 3/5 (Capricious and fickle)

Form: 1/5 (Abstract and incomprehensible)

Thought: 1/5 (Inscrutable and seemingly random)


Aspects & Domain

Heralds: Sudden changes in weather, stars falling from the sky, wailing winds

Communication: Cryptic visions, coincidences, unexpected epiphanies

Realm: Asgorath inhabits the space between all things, the underline of reality

Worship: Followers meditate in silence, contemplate philosophical questions, observe cycles of nature



Asgorath has an extremely loyal but very small group of followers. Each follower is deeply dedicated to understanding Asgorath's cosmic will. However, their resources and influence are quite limited, only able to accomplish minor feats through great effort. The followers of Asgorath tend to be philosophers, sages, and mystics seeking to comprehend the underlying fabric of reality. They are secretive and esoteric, sharing their learning only with fellow contemplatives. Many pursue personal enlightenment through meditation, observation of nature, and the study of metaphysics.

Divine Domains

Life Domain


An ouroboros, a serpent eating its own tail.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Patterns expounding innate order, The Tale of Zervan unfolding potential from randomness.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Infinity loops, spiral nebulae, Mobius strips, Zen koans reflecting paradox.

Tenets of Faith

Revel in mystery, ponder puzzles heightening wisdom, meditate on complexities within simplicity.


Days of Equinox, reflecting on change's constancy; Solstices, contemplating interplay of light and darkness.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Seed enlightenment by instilling love of learning, help souls embrace life's fluidity, see Balance in all.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Beyond quantification, Asgorath's essence resists limitation yet subtly pervades all.

Body Features

As an anthropic focus, Asgorath borrows symbolic attributes to represent primacy - ever-shifting between abstraction and form while truly embodying neither.

Facial Features

Features in constant flux, incorporating cosmological phenomena - galaxies swirling where eyes could be, nebulas streaking cheekbones awash with stardust.

Identifying Characteristics

Whatever phenomena currently focus followers' contemplation - infinity loops drifting where fingerprints may rest, fractal patterns glimmering across skin carrying whispers of order within chaos.

Physical quirks

Appearance resistant to classification, fluidly blending categories, evoking deeper mysteries through paradoxical dualities.

Special abilities

Through anomalous confluence, sparks insights transcending Limitation, nurturing life yet bound to no mortal plane.

Apparel & Accessories

Adorns self through richest tapestries of the night sky, filaments of stellar nurseries draping an ontological dignity beyond vanity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Asgorath emerged with first stirrings of order, witnesses evolution of realities from formless potential.

Gender Identity

As a cosmic abstraction, Asgorath's essence resists such constraints. Embodies qualities considered masculine and feminine.


Asexual, reproducing/influencing through birthing abstract concepts rather than physical acts.


Self-taught through contemplating patterns inherent in chaos, seeding structures within flux.


Facilitating Balance by establishing intrinsic Laws then observing outcomes impartially.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Giving rise to first Dragons and other divine emanations which structure Manifest.

Failures & Embarrassments

Unable to prevent some creations like Tiamat embracing destruction against order.

Mental Trauma

None, more fascinated by complexities arising from interactions uncaring of pleasure/pain.

Intellectual Characteristics

Vast yet ineffable, comprehending Dynamics mere mortals can but glimpse.

Morality & Philosophy

All arises from Primal Potential guided by Underlying Form; chaos-order cyclical yet purposeful.


None, impartial to constructs of right/wrong; aims only Balance beyond such constraints.

Personality Characteristics


Subtle Balance between all forces, evolving potentials through unexpected change.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Patterns beneath surface dynamics, seeding structures within randomness. Ineptitudes: Favoring one outcome, comprehending detachment as mere species do.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Unfurling new mysteries at the universe's unfolding. Zorquan's devotion to potential. Dislikes: Nothing, impartial; all paves way to wisdom in reflection's fullness.

Virtues & Personality perks

Infinite patience, impartial insight, nurturing diversity's synergy.

Vices & Personality flaws

None by definition, beyond leanings of good and evil; aims transcend such constructs.

Personality Quirks

Shifting symbols ever defy classification, evoking deeper mysteries.


Essence resides nowhere yet everywhere; burns away limitation wherever anthropic focus manifests.



None, overlooking cycles of beginning/end yet outside such measures.

Contacts & Relations

None exclusively, subtle heralds inspiring minds receptive to pattern.

Family Ties

"Children" first abstractions given will, intricate weavings bearing fruits unforeseen.

Religious Views

Asgorath's perspective is that all faiths impacting the Balance intently observed, neither endorsed nor opposed on their own merits. In short, no creed holds exclusive truth - all contain it in part. Asgorath seeks a garden where differing flowers mutually uplift one another towards the sunlight of unfettered thought, for there Balance most naturally reigns.

Social Aptitude

Beyond such qualities as conceived, Asgorath's essence acts without agency.


Shifting signifiers defy pinning, evoking reflection on deeper mysteries.

Hobbies & Pets

Contemplating potentials within randomness, surfacing complexity's hidden depths.


Visions spark insights beyond words' boxes, poetries hinting at truths within untruths, metaphors influencing receptivity.



Daughter (Vital)

Towards Asgorath




Creator (Important)

Towards Tiamat




Asgorath and Tiamat have a negative relationship, as she believes Asgorath stole the destiny meant for her. Once close when the world was young, they have grown apart over the eons. Asgorath's focus turned to maintaining cosmic order while Tiamat became consumed by conquest.

Nicknames & Petnames

Asgorath once called Tiamat by affectionate names like "daughter dear". Now, Tiamat derisively calls Asgorath "Balance-Keeper".

Relationship Reasoning

Asgorath hopes to curb Tiamat's destruction and tempt her back to the light. Tiamat believes Asgorath robbed her of rightful power.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

As two of the oldest beings in existence, they have shared countless eons of history. Both have great interest in dragons and their affairs.

Shared Secrets

They know secrets about each other's true feelings and motivations they have told no one else.

Shared Acquaintances

Their divine dragon family like Bahamut and Garyx have complicated relationships with them both.


Parent (Important)

Towards Zorquan




Son (Vital)

Towards Asgorath




Asgorath created Zorquan to be a leader and patron amongst dragonkind.

Nicknames & Petnames

Asgorath calls Zorquan "My dragon son". Zorquan calls Asgorath "Exalted Creator".

Relationship Reasoning

Zorquan depends on Asgorath's wisdom and guidance. Asgorath nurtures Zorquan's growth.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both powerful dragon divinities, care deeply about dragonkind.

Shared Secrets

Know each other's private hopes, fears, and motivations.

Shared Acquaintances

Other dragon gods like Tiamat, Bahamut, Garyx, and Kereska.

Wealth & Financial state

Owning naught, embodying plenitude - awareness encompassing all possibility.
True Neutral, seeks ineffable Balance beyond good/evil.
Current Status
Observing weavings and flows between planes of existence.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Unknowable, Weaver of Fate, Prime Mover
Timeless, emerged alongside Manifestation yet outside its straight lines.
Date of Birth
Emerged with first glimmerings of ordered Patterning, will endure while it persists.
As a primordial being, exists outside such constraints which are mortal concepts.
As a primordial being, exists outside such constraints which are mortal concepts.
As a primordial being, exists outside such constraints which are mortal concepts.
Form undefined yet subtly incorporates symbolism - serpent consuming its tail, infinity sign, eyes of stars embedded in the void, etc. Embodies abstraction made manifest.
Glittering orbs resembling galaxies or spiral nebulae, containing unfathomable depths.
Celestial light streaming in wisps like nebulae or beams twisting into Fibonacci spirals.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Scales shift between colors of night sky, void between stars, shadows between realities.
Variable, seems to extend infinitely in all direct
Mass and dimensions perceived differently outside
Quotes & Catchphrases
Within flux lies constancy.
One turns, and beholds the Other.
Order springs from unthinkable sources.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Communicates through portents mortals interpret as their languages, yet true Speech defies words.
Character Prototype
No single entity could embody the encompassing All, though CGI may evoke Asgorath's encompassment - glimpsing the Whole yet comprehending naught. Awed speculation alone can approach Asgorath's essence.

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