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The All-Destroyer, Firebringer, Phoenix Flame Garyx (a.k.a. The Stormbringer, Scorcher, Beast of Ash)


Power: 4/5 (Planet-level influence)

Interest: 4/5 (Focus on mortal affairs)

Passion: 5/5 (Torrent of forceful emotion)

Form: 4/5 (Dragon-like form)

Thought: 3/5 (Brutish thinking)


Aspects & Domain

Heralds: Raging fires, plumes of smoke, tremors in the earth

Communication: Visions of destruction, omens in flames, intuition

Realm: Garyx dwells in a realm of endless volcanoes, lava flows, and ash clouds.

Worship: Followers destroy things in his name and make burnt offerings. They chant praise to destruction and change.



Garyx's followers believe in necessary destruction and cleansing fire. They are loosely organized into different sects focused on destruction, fire, and renewal. Their resources are limited but their dedication fervent.

Divine Domains

Tempest Domain.


A burning brand.

Holy Books & Codes

The Crimson Verses, prophecies of destruction and rebirth in poetry and song.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Burning brands, smoking mountains, lightning-wreathed hands upraised in blessing/command.

Tenets of Faith

Let passion's fire purge the stale. All things transform through intensity's crucible. The future is unwritten.


Ashfalls (autumn equinox), Stormrise (summer solstice), new year after season's last fire (secret rites in volcanic chasms).

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Catalyze turmoil both mortal and divine to inspire new combinations from ashes of the old. Redeem self in Kereska's eyes through passion's purging.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Peak health/fitness. Muscular draconic form wreathed in smoke and steam.

Body Features

Bronze scales flecked with orange like magma. Sinewy dragonic limbs housing raw power.

Facial Features

Fierce maw, eyes blazing with passion like living embers. Smoke curls from nostrils.

Identifying Characteristics

Glowing eyes, smoke aura, magma-like scales, windswept bronze hairlike frills down neck.

Physical quirks

Twitches and rumbles, breathing smoke and sulfur fumes. Cracks joints noisily.

Special abilities

Lightning command, heat metal, summon storms, regenerate from flame.

Apparel & Accessories

Breechclout of fire newt hide. Smoke and ash coat form naturally.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Garyx has embodied the destructive yet passionate force of storms and fire since the dawn of time. Though seen as amoral, he believes all things must change through passion's fires.

Gender Identity

Embodies masculinity through strength and ferocity as a dragon deity.


As an immortal force of nature, concepts of sexuality do not apply. Garyx incarnates passion in its primal form.


Self-taught through endless eons interacting with mortals and the forces of the elementals planes.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Bringing innumerable seasonal storms, volcanic eruptions, forest fires through the ages.

Failures & Embarrassments

Unable to redeem himself in Kereska's eyes for slaying her follower.

Mental Trauma

Witnessing climates/lands permanently scoured by his fury against their will.

Intellectual Characteristics

Fiercely intelligent though applying reasoning in an elemental, from-the-gut fashion.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes destruction precedes rebirth and intensity enhances passion for life. Seeks to purge stagnation.


Inaction, dousing uncontrolled flames, patience, mercy for the stagnant.

Personality Characteristics


To bring change and passion through destruction wherever it is needed. Embody the raw, transformative power of storms and wildfire.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies include raw destructive power, elemental forces, inducing passionate intensity in others. Is inept at subtlety, long-term planning, and empathy for mundane comforts.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes iIntensity of experience, volcanic landscapes, storms, passion in mortals. Dislikes stagnation, laziness, crying over past losses.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ferocity, willingness to raze old orders, adaptive to change.

Vices & Personality flaws

Short temper, follows instincts over reason, lack of restraint.

Personality Quirks

Roaring loudly, breathing plumes of smoke, cracking with pent energy.


Not applicable as immortal embodiment of nature's fury. Always surrounded by ash.



Endless era of wild transition. Lands reformed by passion's winnowing flames.

Contacts & Relations

Other gods like Asgorath, followers among passionate druids, shaman and cultists drawn to elemental fury. Maintains wary armistice with guardian deities whose lands border his own.

Family Ties

Eldest dragon sibling to Kereska, offspring of Primordial deity Asgorath. Distant from family due to fervor of his aspect

Religious Views

Embodies passion and destruction as necessary forces beyond good/evil judgments.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic to followers who share passion for intensity. Aloof to complacent law-followers.


Gestures wildly, paces restlessly, roars emotionally. Warmth and fury in amber eyes.

Hobbies & Pets

Keeps salamanders and fire newts as pets. Hobbies include catalyzing change, rousing passion in followers.


Loud and declamatory, mixes Draconic battle-cries with more sibilant Primordial.



divine counterpart (Vital)

Towards Null




divine counterpart (Important)

Towards Garyx




Ancient divine counterparts with ideological differences. Garyx and Null have a complicated relationship, as Garyx's destruction leads to Null ferrying away souls, which Garyx struggles with.

Nicknames & Petnames

Null calls Garyx "Destructive One". Garyx calls Null "The Ferryman".

Relationship Reasoning

Garyx struggles with Null taking souls he destroys. Null bears no ill-will.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both are primal forces of existence.

Shared Secrets

Know the true burden the other carries.

Shared Acquaintances

Other ancient dragon gods like Asgorath.


Sister (Vital)

Towards Garyx




Brother (Trivial)

Towards Kereska




Kereska took a young Dragonborn paladin under her guidance, seeing the mortal as the embodiment of her hopes for justice and order in the world. Before the paladin could fully progress in their training and destiny, Garyx ruthlessly slew them during a storm over a mortal settlement. Kereska was shaken by the paladin's unjust end and viewed Garyx's actions as stealing the future she envisioned. Garyx remains apathetic about dashing the ambitions of Kereska's fallen protégé. This tragedy created an unforgivable rift between the two gods.

Nicknames & Petnames

Kereska calls Garyx "Thief".

Relationship Reasoning

Kereska cannot forgive the slaying of her dragonborn protégé. Garyx does not care.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both powerful dragon deities.

Shared Secrets

The true importance of the paladin to Kereska, unknown to other gods.

Shared Acquaintances

Other dragon gods like Asgorath and Hlal.

Wealth & Financial state

Controls hoards of ores, smoked gems and artifacts forged in flame untouched by any other. As an elemental embodiment, personal attachment to wealth holds no meaning.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Bringing destruction and storms across the planes
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The All-Destroyer, Firebringer, Phoenix Flame
Date of Birth
Unknown elemental planes
Current Residence
Volcanic mountain realm
Wild, passionate draconic demeanor
Glowing orange, draconic, round pupils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bronze scales, magma-like markings
50 feet
10 tons, muscular draconic form
Quotes & Catchphrases
All things must pass through the crucible of passion before finding new life.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Draconic, Primordial, possibly more gained over millennia. Speaks passionately.
Character Prototype
The Mountain (GoT), Fireheart (Eragon), natural disasters incarnate.

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