BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


AKA: Benevolence, Positive Energy, Harmonic Energy   Love. Altruism. Kindness.   Harmony is a positive form of psychic energy that manifest within the Astral Plane and is considered to be the polar opposite of Malice. Harmony is formed in the astral plane when intense and genuine positive thoughts beliefs and emotions are felt by individuals in the real world. Harmony is constantly radiated by people who genuinely care about doing what is good.   In the same way that Malice can form into hostile sentient beings within the Astral Plane, large amounts of Harmony can form into benevolent beings within the Astral Plane, such as Cheruphae, an angelic entity.   High amounts of Harmony weaken the barrier between reality and the astral realm, but this weakening of the barrier repels demonic forces and is only easily accessible by Cheruphae or other positive entities.   Temperatures are not affected in any significant way by Harmony, although areas with Harmony have been described as having a "pleasant" temperature.   The creation of this positive form of energy isn't as simple as the creation of Malice where almost any sensation or thought can contribute, it requires true genuine depth and intent. Shallow forms of happiness and hedonistic forms of pleasure don't create significant amounts of Harmony. The creation of Harmony requires pure genuinely positive intent. Acts of goodwill done purely for the creation of harmony create significantly less harmony, since such an act would be using the recipient of the goodwill as a means to an end. That doesn't mean that the creation of harmony cannot be a secondary objective, all that matters is that the action is done genuinely out of kindness as opposed to being a means to an end.   Good for the sake of good. Duty for the sake of duty. Kindness for the sake of kindness.


Harmony is the product of true genuinely positive emotions beliefs and sensations. An action that creates harmony doesn't have to be selfless, but it does have to be completely genuine, with no negative ulterior motives. It manifests as a form of energy that only exists within the Astral Plane. Its effect is very subtle, but areas with a lot of Harmony have been described as feeling "pleasant".   When there is enough Harmony in an area, it can form into positive entities within the Astral Plane, or Angels. The exact nature of these Angels is dependent on the feelings and beliefs of those who created the Harmony that formed the angel. Angels are sentient beings with their own will, and categorically align with The One, and categorically oppose demonic entities who align with the Great Enemy.   A positive form of an Astral Storm is possible, but these are quite rare, and only occur when an Angel needs to communicate with a specific person in the real world. However, if an Angelic being is aware of the existence of The One, they will instead ask for his assistance in this form of communication.


Since every location in the real world corresponds to a location in the Astral Plane, this means that Harmony remains local to the area that it was created. It can spread out over time on its own, but as it spreads it thins out. Areas with lots of this form of energy are often referred to as being "blessed".
Metaphysical, Astral


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