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AKA: Cherub, Cherubim, Lesser Angel, anti-demon   Cheruphae are metaphysical beings that exist within the Astral Plane. They are formed by a combination of a genuine need from a currently existing being within the real world, and large amounts of harmonic energy built up within an area of the Astral Plane.   Similarly, to Demons, Cheruphae enter the real world through areas where the barrier between reality and the Astral Plane is weak, then they can look for and attempt to possess beings within the real world. They search for willing individuals by examining people's dreams. They can only gain possession of an individual who is willing serve as their host. This is where the similarities end, since they are fundamentally different from Demons in all but their supernatural origin. Cheruphae possession is much more passive, instead preferring to serve as a guide or helper to its host. Referring to it as a "possession" is misleading, since it's very rare for a Cheruphae to directly control the host body, and a Cheruphae will NEVER consume the soul of their host. Cheruphae feed on Harmony within the Astral Plane, and use it as a source of power. While within a host body, a Cheruphae can use their host to exert their powers into the real world.   Cheruphae are not omniscient and are not created with any pre-existing knowledge of The One, but they categorically align with them as a force for good. When a Cheruphae learns of the existence of The One, they obtain a greater sense of duty, and will do good things in his name, in opposition to the Great Enemy. A Cheruphae can be elevated to a Seraphae by the The One, but this is uncommon.   Cheruphae have little control over their emotions, and can burst if they lose control over them.   Raphael the main character serves as the host of a Cheruphae name Silva , and is blessed with their guidance and power over the course of the game.

Basic Information


The exact appearance of a Cheruphae is dependent on the imaginations of those who projected the specific mass of Harmony that the Cheruphae was created from.

Biological Traits

Cheruphae have no biological traits, since they are entirely supernatural beings.

Genetics and Reproduction

This species doesn't reproduce through any biological means. However, a Cheruphae can assist in the creation of other Cheruphae from Harmony within the Astral Plane. Cheruphae can also split into smaller Cheruphae, or combine into larger Cheruphae. Cheruphae don't like combining into larger beings, since they enjoy their sense of individuality and autonomy. However, if a Demonic threat requires their combined strength, they will sacrifice their originality to overcome their foe. Once combined, they retain the memories of all of their old selves. They feel no sense of loss after combination, and usually have no reason to split apart again.

Growth Rate & Stages

The initial size of a Cheraphae is dependent on how much Harmonic energy is present and consumed at the time of their creation. If they consume more Harmony, they grow larger. Young Cheruphae have little ability to control their emotions in the presence of evil. As they grow larger, their ability to cope with the presence of evil grows.

Ecology and Habitats

Cherphae naturally exist within the Astral Plane. While within the Astral Plane, they search for Harmony and either consume it as an energy source to increase their power or find ways to encourage its growth.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cheruphae do not need to consume anything in order to live.


Cheruphae are relatively social with others of their kind, will exchange information, and will often work together to achieve their goals.   Demons and Cheruphae are mortal enemies and are extreme hostile to each other. Depending on the relative size of a Demon, a Cheruphae will either attack them on sight or flee to an area with more Harmony for their own protection. Only in the vicinity of a Demon or a truly evil person will a Cheruphae behave so viciously. Cheruphae are not capable of hating sentient beings within the real world who turn to evil, as they view the decision to be evil as tragic.   It is against the nature of a Cheruphae to do evil things. In the rare situation where a Cheruphae is somehow forced to do something evil, it deeply impacts their emotions. If a Cheruphae becomes too emotionally disturbed, they may be unable to cope, loose their ability to contain themselves, and burst open. This results in their death, leaving behind their Harmony and emotional resonance.   When Cheruphae possess someone, they become emotionally invested in the life and actions of the host. If the host of a Cheruphae repeatedly does things that betray their good nature, it will seriously disappoint them and harm the physical well-being of the Cheruphae within them. This sort of thing usually happens when the host of a Cheruphae turns evil, or repeatedly does selfish things at the expense of everyone else. Even simply thinking evil thoughts can be enough. This evil will leave a Cheruphae feeling betrayed and heartbroken. A heartbroken Cheruphae can respond in a number of ways:
  • Despiration. A heartbroken Cheruphae may despirately plead with its host/former host to be a better person, or to turn away from evil. This usually is the first thing they do, and then devolves into other actions.
  • Forceful possession. A heartbroken Cheruphae may attempt to take full control of its host body in defiance if they think it's necessary for the sake of good. This usually only occurs for a short time, as they believe that controling the body of a sentient being against their will for prolonged periods of time is evil, and it goes against their nature to do evil things. The emotional turmoil can cause them to burst.
  • Abandonment. A heartbroken Cheruphae may abandon its host to try to find a new one. This is usually a fruitless endeavor, since they are too emotionally compromised to search for good souls effectively. It usually ends with them bursting, or willingly fizzling out of existence.
  • Suicide. A Cheruphae may not want to live in a world where their former host has chosen evil. Cheruphae kill themselves by fizzling out of existence, depositing their Harmony and emotional resonance upon the position within the Astral Plane where they died.
  • Accidental death. A Cheruphae who cannot cope with the emotions of this may burst, leaving their emotional resonance and Harmony behind, similarly to fizzling out.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Cheruphae are social with other Cheruphae, and will exchange information and assist each other to achieve whatever their goals are.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Cheruphae live within the Astral Plane, typically in areas with a high Harmonic presence.

Average Intelligence

The average intelligence of a Cheruphae is dependent on the intelligence of the beings that formed the Harmony they were created from. Their intelligence never decreases, but it can increase if they consume Harmony from a more intelligent being.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Cheraphae can sense the location of sentient beings in the real world, and can naturally sense their surroundings within the Astral Plane, but lack any sensory appendages that allow them to see or hear while within the real world. They are reliant on the senses of a host body in order to see into the real world. Their ability to sense the souls of living beings in the real world is affected by their emotions. An emotional Cheruphae will have difficulty finding a host.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Cheruphae often have a symbiotic relationship with willing individuals. The host performs acts of kindness to help people in order to create Harmony for the Cheruphae, while the Cheruphae serves as a sort of guardian angel and offers advice to the host for their prosperity.

Civilization and Culture


Cheruphae have always existed in some form ever since the first sapient species in the universe began to project their thoughts feelings and emotions into the Astral Plane. This is also when Demons came into existence. Ever since then, they have always been a source of good, working within the shadows over the course of history in all societies.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions


Demons are mortal enemies to the Cheruphae.


There was a time when there was frequent contact with humans. But as human societies became less altruistic and more selfish, they became far less prominent in their societies.  That time is long gone. Humans are completely unaware of Cheruphae and Demons altogether.


Celestials never had any idea of the existence of Cheruphae, or Demon.  


  Kairothians being very spiritual creatures are frequently graced by the presence of Cheruphae, but remain mostly unaware of their existence. Their existence isn't completely unknown though, as the Circle of The One and highly faithful members of the faith know of their existence. This information is mostly kept secret from the public, since the existence of Demons, Cheruphae and the Astral Plane are considered dangerous knowledge.


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