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Human (hew - min)

A species that is non-native to the world of Kairothia. There are very few of them in number. The ones on Kairothia are merely remnants of what was one an interstellar civilization of human controlled planets.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Live in large hierarchical communities, some used to live in large space-faring vessels

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

  • Formerly on many planets
  • Now on only a few

Civilization and Culture



Humanity had a troubled history. It wasn't until the middle of the 3rd millennium and only after countless wars over territory and ideologies that led humanity to finally exist under one banner. After that, there were was a Millennium of stability, prosperity, and freedom. But as the population of the world grew and resources became scarce, measures had to be taken to limit population growth. By the the end of the 3rd millennium, citizens had very few individual freedoms.

Growing Pains

In the beginning of the 4th Millennium, humanity was beginning to outgrow what the Earth could realistically sustain. While there was technically still room for population growth on the planet earth, it would mean the loss of what remained of the existing wildlife, it became clear that something had to be done before it was too late. Either measures had to be taken to expand beyond Earth, or world leaders would have to take drastic measures to get the worlds population under control.

Invention of FTL

Resources had already been in place to pursue FTL (Faster Than Light) technology, but with humanity in its current crisis, more resources than ever were being put towards it. When FTL technology was finally invented in 3001, it sparked the flame of hope that humanity could expand beyond the confines of the Solar System. At first, due to the limitations of the technology at the time, only unmanned drones could be sent out to search for potential candidates worlds for human colonization. Thousands of drones were sent out to search for habitable worlds. With each decade, improvements to technology allowed for the unmanned drones to explore multiple star systems. Before long, there were hundreds of potential candidate planets that support, or could be terraformed to support human life. After several decades of improvements to technology, it finally became feasible to send large amounts of people to other worlds, officially beginning humanity's journey to the stars.

Interstellar Society

10's of planets uninhabited planets were made into homes for Billions of humans. Still existing under one banner, the humans had a centralized democratic government, a police force, militia, and rapidly advancing scientific research. With thousands of habitable worlds still available, there was no need to worry about overpopulation. Humanity seemed invincible. However, with the population fragmented among so many planets, it became difficult to maintain a centralized authority. A special troupe of genetically enhanced super soldiers were created to maintain order among the colonies.

Celestial War and the end of the space boom

One fatal flaw with the interstellar drones system, was the fact that they were created purely with naive exploration in mind, without regard to potential threats to humanity. While there were many theories of the existence of intelligent extra terrestrial life, it was never seriously considered outside of fiction that humanity would encounter a threat that was greater than them. A lone explorer drone discovered a planet that had already been inhabited by another species that was capable of interstellar travel. Before it could return and report its findings, it was immediately captured by the Celestial Empire. Having tens of thousands of years exploring the stars, the Celestial Empire were MUCH more technologically advanced than Humanity, and also had far greater numbers. They reverse engineered and extracted the navigational data from the explorer drone, and used it to uncover the location of many Human planets. Although humanity realistically wasn't much of a threat, they didn't take kindly to the idea of ANOTHER species roaming the stars and controlling the territory that they considered to be rightfully theirs, and so they declared war on humanity on principle. Caught completely by surprise, It wasn't long before the human militia was completely devastated. Even with the genetically enhanced super soldiers, the human military could do very little against their firepower. Luckily some of the data on the drone the Celestials had captured was corrupted, and several human planets remained off their radar. The last of the humans remained undiscovered by the Celstials, for the time being. But since the Celestials controlled much of the formerly human controlled space, it was too dangerous to travel in space. The last interstellar transmission from the human central government was a message to the survivors to stay put and survive.

Scientists on Kairothia III

Kairothia III was a planet (technically a moon), that was discovered to be habitable by one of the explorer drones. At first, it was believed to be a suitable planet for humans to settle, due to it already containing its own ecosystem of life. However, it was quickly discovered that the planet was already home to a sapient species known as "Kairothians". It was policy not to settle on a planet that was home to intelligent life, and therefore Kairothia III was removed as a candidate for large scale human settlement. A small number of scientists were sent to study the life that already existed on the world. As long as there were fewer than 100 Humans on the planet, the human government would allow them to remain. When the Celestial war devastated humanity, Kairothia became their permanent home of these scientists. Additionally, a small number of human soldiers came as refugees after they escaped from the conflict.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

  • Friendly with Kairothians
  • Enemies to Celestials
Scientific Name
Homo Sapien
Average Height


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