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Genome Soldier Project

The Genome Soldier Project was a successful scientific operation by the Federation of Earth military to create the ultimate soldier through genetic engineering. Entire legions of these super soldiers were created to serve and police Humanity, and later defend it. Among these super soldiers was Ulefric Genome, and Raphael's father.   The process of creating these soldiers began using DNA samples from various humans who possessed extraordinary traits of physical strength endurance and intellect. At this point in time the genetic code of Humanity still hadn't been mapped due to the ethical debate of gene splicing and experimentation. But over the years, the morality of Humanity eroded and made room for the processes that were required for fully mapping the Human genome. What had began in secret became public knowledge, and nobody cared enough to intervene. Through the process of trial and error, the assistance of computers, many decades passing by, and millions of deformed abominations, the project was a success. The Genome Soldier was born.   Genome Soldiers look mostly like regular humans. However, all of them are unusually tall and muscular, almost unnatural in appearance. Their bones are stronger, their muscles are denser, their ligaments are tougher, they age slower, and their minds are sharper. An average Genome Soldier can lift medium sized cars, run 50 km/h for over an hour without getting tired, and can stay awake for weeks at a time without before succumbing to exhaustion. Their muscle tissue can block bullets when flexed (bullets will still pierce their flesh, but become embedded in their muscle). They can bend thick plates of steel with their bare hands.   Due to the initial secrecy of the project, it is unknown how many failed experiments were created during the early days, but that number likely resides in the millions. Over the generations, they had successfully mapped the entire Human genome, and could tell you the function of every DNA sequence in any gene. Multiple iterations of the Genome Soldier have been created, each better than the last.   Despite their genetic superiority, all Genome Soldiers are taught from a young age of their purpose, and their duty to love and protect the Human race from internal and external threats.   The Soldiers of the Genome Project were instrumental in the protection of the Human civilians during the Human Celestial Conflict. Ulefric Genome created and used the Ram and Board tactic, and many of these soldiers used it to delay the Celestial ships while the civilians evacuated.


The organization is funded by the Federation of Earth, and is considered government property. The most scientists are simply employees to the organizaion, but the boss has direct ties to the Federation of Earth government.


The organization cares little for human rights, but it isn't without any ethical principle. The horrific abominations mutants and deaths that were caused by this experimentation during the early days are seen as necessary sacrifice for the greater good. The researchers and government understood that the public wouldn't approve of this process, and so it was kept secret from the general public. The potential for a whistleblower was snuffed out by threats of death. As the public became more demoralized, they became less incentivized to hide this truth, and the threat of whistleblowers vanished.

Public Agenda

The organizations goal is to create the ultimate Human to serve as military police to keep the insurrectionists under control.


Every Genome Soldier is considered an asset to the organization, and therefor an asset of the government.

We serve mankind.

Military, Special Operations Force
Ruling Organization
Related Species


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