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The Great Enemy

aka: the Devil, the Condemned
The exact origins of the Great Enemy are not exactly clear. Some believe that it is simply the inverse of The One, and that one cannot exist without the other. Some believe that he was once a Seraphae, a friend of The One who loyally served at his side, and then betrayed him. The full truth is a metaphysical mystery, and is unlikely to be fully understood by anyone aside from The One himself. For all those who know of the existence of the Great Enemy, the only thing that is known for certain is that it hates all of creation, and is the number one enemy of The One.   The Great Enemy is often credited with the creation of the concept of Malice. However, this is perception is misguided, as Malice is simply a natural force of the universe, which exists as a natural opposite of Harmony.   Much like The One, the Great Enemy is all-knowing. However, he is not all powerful in the same way as The One.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known about the Great Enemy. All that is known is that he seems to have always existed, and he has many of the same characteristics as The One. What sets him apart from The One is his alignment. He is pure evil, and wishes to destroy all of creation.   His motivations are a little bit unclear, but they seem to stem from a hatred of impurity and imperfection. He sees the ability for mortal beings to choose evil actions as a proof that creation is unworthy of existence. Where his ideology seems to fall apart is in his own willingness to partake in acts of evil, or tempt mortal beings into evil. It's speculated that as a supernatural being, he sees himself as above the concept of "morality", and that he sees his own evil actions as a necessary means to an end.   He typically doesn't involve himself directly in the affairs of the world, and instead prefers to plant thoughts into people's heads, tempting them towards selfish forms of evil. Since he hates creation as it currently exists, he sees the act of tempting mortals as a way of proving to The One that mortals are unworthy of free will.

Morality & Philosophy

The Great Enemy believes that a world where evil is possible is a world that should not exist. He believes that the best way to prove this to The One is by causing those who live in the world to both experience and cause pain, and show that this existence is not worth it.

Personality Characteristics


The Great Enemy wants to prove to The One that an existence where mortals can choose to be good or evil is not worth it. His goal is to destroy creation by any means necessary, and create a new world where nobody can choose to be evil or have any mental concept of evil.
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Yes, it is true that I make use of these... demons. Demons useful tools for my what I wish to pursue. But do not make the mistake of believing that I LIKE or admire those foul creatures. They are born of the impure thoughts of mortals. Their very existence is proof of the rot that infests this world. They are a means to an end for me. Nothing more."
  • "Disgusting... I just don't understand why he would do it... why would he deliberately create such a world? a world, with the CAPACITY, for evil? And now to think that I must USE it, in order to show him how wrong he is."
  • "Evil? You think of me as evil?"
  • "'Light cannot exist without dark', you say? Is that supposed to be a metaphor for 'good' and 'evil'? What an fascinating metaphor... for one who understands nothing"
  • "Can't you see now, what a mistake it was, giving these creatures free will? How many times do I have to prove it to you? How can you still love them so much, after all they've done?" (speaking to The One)
  • "You misunderstand. I am not the root cause of the evil in this world. The reason Evil exists, is because the one you call "The One", allowed it to exist. You mortals would still be sinners even without my influence. I merely sped up the process. I lifted the seemingly smooth rock of your soul to reveal the slime and rot, built into your very being. Blame the one who created you."


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