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Seraphae (Ser-A-Fay)

AKA: Seraphim, Angel of the One, Greater Angel   Seraphae are a lot like Cheruphae, except they aren't created by any natural force within the Astral Plane. They are created by The One, and typically have much more power, and will not burst if they become too emotionally compromised. In fact, most Seraphae have no free will or emotions of any kind, and more closely resemble automatons which enforce the will of the The One, although there are exceptions. Seraphae who are sent to directly converse with Humans or other sentient beings are usually bestowed with their own free will and sentience, even a name. They usually have no desire to possess beings within the real world, and are actually capable of existing in the real world without a host body, unlike Cheruphae. Their mind is directly connected to The One, and they always know his will.   Seraphae are functionally immortal in the sense that they do not age, but can technically be killed if they are overwhelmed by Demons in the Astral Plane. If the physical body of a Seraphae is killed in the real world, they will not truly die, but instead are sent back to the Astral Plane, where their physical body reforms.   Most Seraphae are capable of creating Astral Storms at will, with no need for high amounts of Malice or Harmony. However, they usually have no need for Astral Storms, as unlike Cheruphae and Demons, they don't need to use an Astral Storm to enter reality.

Basic Information


The specific appearance varies, but they can take multiple forms depending on the situation.   Humanoid: in this form, they take on a roughly humanoid appearance, (they an alter this to match any sentient species, including Kairothian or Tseibajeen) but usually with some sort of key difference. they may appear seemingly unaffected by surrounding lighting conditions, they often have a circular object (a halo) floating over or behind their head, and they may have wings which hover behind, or are attached to thir back. They can have 0 wings, 2 wings, or any additional number of wings. Some have exactly 7 wings.   Eldrich: In this form, they appear massive, and non humanoid. Again, their specific appearance varies, but one common feature is an abundance of wings, and eyes. They can appear to fill the sky, or simply occupy the space in front of the viewer. This is the true form of a Seraphae, when translated from the astral plane to the real world.   Sprit: In this form, they are completely imperceivable, except through the electromagnetic resonance they give off.

Biological Traits

Seraphae do not technically have any biological traits, as they are not biological beings, but divine beings from the Astral Plane plane.

Genetics and Reproduction

Seraphae do not reproduce on their own, and must be created by the One. On rare occurences, a Cheruphae can be elevated into becoming a Seraphae by The One. These elevated Cheruphae get to keep their sentience, knowledge and personality on this transition into a Seraphae.

Growth Rate & Stages

Seraphae are created fully grown, and with all the knowledge they need.

Ecology and Habitats

They normally reside within the Astral Plane within the realm of The One.


They are 100% obedient to The One. Most have little to no emptional capacity. However, the sentient ones can be very emotional, much like Cheruphae. Some of them even used to be Cheruphae.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Seraphae are directly subservient to The One. They will work together when ordered to.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

It is impossible to exploit a Seraphae, as they either know your intentions, or are connected to The One, who knows your intentions.

Average Intelligence

Most Seraphae do not have intelligence of their own, but are automatons of the the One. Those who do, are completely omnipotent, and draw all of their knowledge directly from the One.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Seraphae are capable off possessing sentient beings in the real world, but they usually have no use for this and don't bother, prefering to take more direct approaches to actions.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most Seraphae do not have names, but some do. The self-aware ones are the ones who receive names.

Common Dress Code

In their humanoid form, they typically dress in white. This isn't an enforced dress code, it's simply how they all dress.


In the beginning, the One created everything. Among this creation was his personal army of Seraphae. the Seraphae were created to guide and protect the sentient species of the Universe, and carry out the will of The One. This is how it has always been, and how it will always be.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Seraphae will often aid the faithful among sentient species such as Humans, Kairothians, and Tseibajeen. They may fight against Demons and sentient beings who oppose the One in any way. They will often willingly accept Cheruphae among their ranks as honorary Seraphae. The One can even elevate a Cheruphae into becoming a sentient Seraphae.
Average Physique
In their humanoid form, they take on the appearance of whatever species happens to be observing them, with minor differences. For Humans, they appear as humans. For Tseibajeen, as tseibajeen. For Kairothians, as Kairothians. The purpose of this form is to put the viewer at ease.     In their true form, they are an all-encompassing mass of eyes, wings, and rings. This form is intended to draw attention to themselves, and to instill fear and obedience.


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